Chapter 11: Fortune Telling

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Be sure to check out the above book! And vote and comment on this chapter. Late Christmas present! And early New Years gift! Also book 3: Eleanor's Demise is out!!! Go check it out!

We stood outside an ancient looking building. He took us to a strange remote island that I had never heard of before in Europe.

I stared at the worn down building, wondering how it used to look before earth took its toll.

"You know, it's not going to change the longer you look at it " He laughed as I turned my attention to him. He looked very handsome, to say the least with only a tank on and some shorts. The hard remote man who wore a tuxedo almost gone, lost in the casual clothes but still very present in the uptight well-tamed hair. It was going to be impossible for me to get over how perfect he seemed, he leaned down slightly to wrap his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

"I didn't think it would change, I was just wondering why we couldn't have gone to Hawaii or Vegas or something."

"I just love how your mind works," Adam smirked sarcastically as he began following the tour guide. I took one last look at the ugly old building and followed closely behind. This town didn't look very populated and it didn't even look like part of Europe.

I was annoyed that he'd wanted to go on a tour and watch people talk about old buildings. I mean, how boring.

"I will hand each one of you a piece of this dust. It is said. . ." The tour guide began handing us little plastic baggies of dirt. "That anyone to smell this dust shall have never ending good luck."

"Yeah, light up the joint and smoke it!" Some random guy laughed as the crowd chimed in.

I held onto the plastic bag, maybe it was just a superstition, but it wouldn't hurt to try it out. Adam walked beside me and reached for my hand, wrapping his fingers around mine.

"And it is said, if two people smell it at once, they will have never ending joy." I rolled my eyes as Adam gave the tour guide a crooked smile. "Alright, come along then." We followed the woman to the next artifact. I was so bored just standing there, I decided to flirt it up with some stranger, surely that'd be more fun than this.

The only problem was that Adam was holding my hand. I looked at our intertwined fingers for a while as he led us behind the tour guide.

She kept going on and on about the insignificant rock that was before us. I stared at the rock. If this was Adam's idea of a honeymoon, then it was extremely boring.

"Hey Adam, how about we get out of here?" I whined, trying to sound seductive. He looked at me, laughing as he shook his head.

"Eleanor," he sighed, staring at me, "fine."

"Great!" I hopped up and down excitedly.

We began walking away from the group of tourists and toward the small shops all around. There was a place that seemed to really stand out.

It was called: The Genie's Palace. I was really intrigued by the misfit color of Purple in the Sandy orange location.

"Adam, can we go in?" I gestured to the place.

"On one condition." He smirked, he had a snazzy bad boy side to him. Which I really liked.

"And that would be?"

"Tonight there's a Greek party. It's like a ritual mostly, we're supposed to dress in gold and white and you're coming with me. It's going to be in the pool outside our hotel room." I listened attentively, my eyes completely focusing on his moving lips, wanting to feel them press against my own.

"Let's go in then." I giggled, I had a gold painted bathing suit, apparently, Adam had planned further and packed it for me, and I could wear a clear cover up.

I smiled at him as he intertwined our fingers. If I'm going to be his wife, I may as well fake it until I make it.

We walked into the Purple place as dark shadows played around us. Out of instinct, I moved closer to Adam. A bit of fear flickering in my eyes.

"Welcome!" Someone said in a strange accent. I had never heard anything like it before, it sounded like a mix of Dracula and Hindu. Indian Dracula. I choked on my own laugh as Adam glanced at me sideways, confusion sprawled on his face.

"Hello sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." Adam held out his hand for the oddly dressed man to shake. The guy was wearing a plain dirt covered loose, full-length gown with wide sleeves.

"I see marriage! A white dress!" He shouted, hopping around the creepy room, "I see two babies. Elsa and Anna. My mistake, I've been watching too much Television," he laughed, running across the room and dropping beads and random things across the floor.

"We should probably just get going. . ." Adam began, the thought of kids probably scared him and no kidding that it scared me too.

"Nonsense! You will not because love is in your future! I see a yellow book with pages of pictures. Your two children." The man shouted. I stared at him in shock. I would never want to have children, I heard they give you stretch marks and excess fat. No thank you.

"Thanks, sir, but. . ." Adam tried again, aiming to be polite but was harshly cut off, the old man ran to block our exit.

"Wealthy, the both of you. Adam and Eleanor Carnegie. I see a kiss, at a. . . arranged wedding?" He chuckled. This crazy hag knew too much. I felt Adam snake his arm around my waist. Holding me possessively.

"We really must be on our way. Goodbye." Adam announced, dragging me behind him.

"You might not love him now, but you soon will! Eleanor Hays! Sex is not everything!" He shouted, as Adam and I walked out of that crazy man's place. I felt beads of sweat wiping down my brow.

"Adam, I don't want to stay here, please take me somewhere else," I said, biting the inside of my cheek. I wanted to run back in and hear more about my future.

But I knew, I would never fall in love. Ever again. I made that promise to myself weeks ago. And I intend on keeping it.

Happy early New Year! So tomorrow is the last day of 2015 and I just wanted to publish one more chapter this year. Let's hope next year is full of wonderful moments and amazing days!

Also, I know I said I wouldn't be updating until next year, so SURPRISE!

There are a few chapters which are only available to my followers for copyright purposes.

Be sure to read "The Boy Who Read Minds" #1 Teen fiction and #2 Romance

And "aromatic" by JulianaLaBrabt

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