Attention - Scott Lang x Reader x Vision

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Words: 1346
Pairing: Scott Lang x Reader x Vision (more so Scott, though.)
Featuring: Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: swearing, as usual, drinking
Requested by anon
"I freaking love your fics! Could I request a Scott Lang/Vision type of thing where Vision is infatuated with the reader and gets jealous and starts acting weird whenever he sees the reader and Scott hanging out? Vice versa for Scott too if possible. You can end it in any direction you think would be fitting :) Thank you! <3"
Summary: You love hanging out with Scott and Vision, but you don't realize the way they see things until they tell you. 
Author's Note: I actually watched Ant-Man today so I was soo ready to write this request. This is more so a scott story but it focuses on both of them and I apologize if it's a little awkward. (Wanda is only friends with Vision in this!!)



Vision phased through a wall. Scott had Wanda's help to throw him up the stairs. They did everything they could to slow down the other one.

You walked out of the meeting room, only to be bumped into by Scott. "Whoa, watch where you're going when moving that quick." You laughed a bit. "Hi, Scott."

"Hi (Y/N)! I have a question for you!" He smiled.

"What's up?" You asked.

"So a few people are going out tonight, and I wanted to know if you'd want to tag along with me?" He smiled.

"I'd love to." You smiled back at Scott.

"Oh, I understand- wait, you said yes? Yes!" Scott smiled, then Vision walked up to you.

"Afternoon, (Y/N)." Vision said. "Hello, Scott."

"Hey, Vision. What's up?" You asked.

"Are you going out with everyone tonight?" Vision asked.

"Yeah!" You said. "Scott actually just asked me to tag along."

"Oh, that's nice." Vision said.

"What are you doing tonight?" You asked.

Vision shrugged. "I am not sure."

"Well, I've got to get going." You said. "Got training with Nat. See you later, guys!"


"Didn't everyone leave already?" You asked Scott when he walked down the stairs.

"Oh, damn. Looks like we'll have to spend time here and just suffer through hanging out with one another!" Scott tried to hide his smile. "Shucks!"

You laughed at Scott. "Good thing I have some board games."

"Just board games?" Scott smiled a bit.

You sighed and held up your key fob. "And I have the key to Tony's liquor cabinet."

"This is gonna be great." He told you.

After playing multiple rounds of Sorry, Trouble, and Monopoly, you both were laughing louder than you probably should be, and we're glad no one was around. They'd think you're insane.

"What is going on up here?" The voice scared you and made both of you jump and shut up.

"Oh, hey, Vis." You smiled at him after he flew up through the floor. "I didn't know you were here."

"Yes, going out didn't sound very nice tonight. What about you two?"

"We decided to stay in and have some fun here." Scott smiled.

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