WAWR - Peter Parker x (f)Reader x Brother!Stark (3/6)

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Words: 1083
Pairing: Peter Parker x (f)Reader x Brother!Stark
Featuring: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Vision
Warnings: kinda sad
Summary: You made your decision to go help Steve save Wanda, but Tony's freaking out.
Author's Note: thank you to everyone giving me feedback on this small series! It means so much and gives me motivation to keep on writing :)




I'm sorry. Please don't freak out. I'm safe, I promise. I'm with Peter. We are all good. (Tell May that he's staying with us for a few days, please?) Someone important to me needed my help, and Peter refused to let me go alone. I don't have my phone on me, so don't try to call it. I will be gone for only three days, and then I'll be back, and you can lecture me and all that, but I won't promise I'll listen. I know you don't like what I'm doing, but this was a decision I decided to make to help someone. If I don't help, something really bad could happen. When I return, I might explain what's going on, but if I choose not to, we might just need to leave this behind us.

I know you won't like this- but if I'm not back in three days, then I'm sorry. I have to at least try. I love you, Tony. You're like a brother-dad, and I couldn't ask for anything more from you.

I hope to see you in a few days.

-the Starkling

Tony was worried. He didn't have a clue where you were, and he didn't like that. When you came back from wherever you went on Friday night, he knew something was up. And when he found the note laying on your bed this Sunday morning, he was beyond worried.

But he wasn't even allowed to go on the search for you. The accords made him have to discuss it to see if it was important enough, and most likely, they would say no. So that made him even more worried.

You, on the other hand, were standing with your team's enemies. You knew Steve, Sam, and Clint, but you didn't know much about this Ant-Man guy, barely met Bucky, and Wanda was gone.

"I thought the spider kid was on Stark's team," Steve asked when you two arrived.

"He wouldn't let me go alone." You shrugged.

"Big fan," Peter said with a wave.

You rolled your eyes. "You say that to everyone on the team."

Peter shrugged. "I'm also a big fan of you for taking care of those guys at school."

"You- what?" Sam asked. "There we go, taking care of bullies? High five!" Sam said and put up his hand.

"I don't know that I really took care of them, or if they even count as bullies; they were just picking on Peter and me. Especially for the fact that Tony had to yell at a teacher and cause a fuss around the school, all about me."

"Then, she blew a light out and broke a window because she got so mad that they were making fun of what she did. They ran away real fast." Peter said, like it was the coolest thing ever.

Steve sighed with a small smile. "You're having trouble controlling your powers still?"

You shrugged and nodded. "I broke every light and a few glasses in the media room and kitchen Friday. I got mad." You said. "Scared Tony half to death."

"Maybe Wanda can help you control them once we get her back," Steve suggested.

You nodded. "So, what's the plan?"


"Can't we just secretly search for her?" Tony asked Natasha.

She shook her head. "You'd be in the same position Cap is in."

"Cap- that's right, he can do whatever he wants..." Tony muttered.

"You can't call Steve. You know you can't." Natasha said.

"But what if she's not back in three days? What then!" Tony asked. "I want to make sure she's okay! (Y/N)'s just a kid, she doesn't even know how to control her powers fully!"

"She is with Mr. Parker, though; at least they're together." Vision cut in on the conversation.

"I just want to know who they're helping that is dangered... I could have helped too..." He muttered.

You were feeling sick to your stomach. Only a few hours had passed by, and you felt horrible for leaving Tony without any trace but the note.

"So, is Stark your dad?" Bucky asked you. You were sitting up against a wall with your knees to your chest. Currently, the team was waiting for the perfect time, which probably wouldn't be until the next day. So everyone was resting up.

You shrugged in response to Bucky's question. "Something like that."

"What does that mean?"

"Uh," You stopped yourself. "Sure. He's my dad."

"Buck," Steve called. "Tony isn't her dad. Nothing's official, at least last I heard."

"Steve's right. Not fully adopted. Just kinda, he watches over me..." You shrugged. Deep down, you knew that it would be so much easier to be adopted, but you were afraid it would change everything in the brother-type relationship you had with Tony, and you didn't want that to happen.

"You're worried about Tony." Peter walked over to you and sat down.

"Terribly. He's going to kill me when I get back." You hugged your arms.

"When you get back, he'll be happy you're back," Peter said. You just shrugged. "Hey, want me to help you take your mind off things? We can go mess around with spider webs if that would help." He offered.

"I think I should really stay inside here. I don't want to risk being seen by anyone." You told him, and he nodded.

"Makes sense." He shrugged. "I should probably go apologize to the rest of this team for what happened at the airport."

Clint walked over to you a few minutes later. "You should get some sleep." He told you.

"I don't think I can." You said. "They're all probably worried about me."

"I bet Wanda feels the same way." Clint sighed. "Sorry, look, kid. Tony cares about you, so he's going to worry about you. That means you guys have a good thing going here. But you are old enough to make your own decisions, so he should know that you'll be back in three days." Clint said.

"How are your kids, Clint?" You asked him.

"From what I know, they're doing fine." He shrugged. "It's been a while. You know, on the run from the 'good guys.'" Clint said.

"I'm sorry." You said, and he brushed it off. "After this, when we save Wanda, I'll help you get back to your farm so you can see them; I'll get a Tony Stark escort." You smiled.

Clint rubbed your head. "Thanks, kid. Get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora