Battle - T'Challa x Reader

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Words: 738
Pairing: T'Challa x Reader
Featuring: Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark
Warnings: fighting, choking 
Requested by anon
Summary:  After chasing down the Winter Soldier, you and T'Challa are asked to come back to the Avengers Facility. When Barnes breaks out of his containment, it turns into a brawl, and you decide to help out.
Author's Note: Another short one, but I really do love this one! 



"You should stay back," T'Challa told you.

You rolled your eyes. "I've been fighting for how long?"

"Be careful."

"Tell yourself that!" And you ran off in the same direction as Black Widow. Everyone tried to take him down. Captain America was nowhere to be seen, as well as the Bird Guy.

You didn't know their names just yet; you did get caught fighting The Winter Soldier with T'Challa and taken to this facility. You were just trying to help your boyfriend, where's the problem with that?

When you arrived at the scene of the long-haired man making a mess of things, Tony was moved away by him, and he had taken a blonde-haired girl out of his way, and Black Widow had tried to go against him. You saw T'Challa a ways away but didn't bother with talking with him just yet.

When Black Widow's moves failed to stop The Winter Soldier, it was your turn to go at him.

Just because your best friend, and boyfriend, is the Black Panther of Wakanda doesn't mean you're someone he has to protect. (Actually, you wish he didn't feel that he had to protect you; you could take care of yourself! You're as just a good assassin as Black Widow is.)

You ran up to him and started to kick your legs in the air, hitting his arms. You also managed to kick his leg, causing him to stumble back a bit. But when you went to jump on him to confuse him, he dodged you, and when he turned around, he grabbed at your shoulders.

Before you could react, he had thrown you down onto a small table, and his hands were around your neck. You were slowly losing air, as he wasn't really thinking; evil had taken over.

You couldn't say anything to him or even kick your way out of this. "T'Challa..." You whispered out, hoping to grab his attention.

But T'Challa had watched the whole thing. From where he was, thrown on the floor, he saw Barnes tackle you down. And he was anything but happy. Barnes already killed his father, and now he was hurting the one he loved.

T'Challa ran over to where the two of you were. And right as you thought you were going to pass out, T'Challa kicked The Winter Soldier in his side and caused him to release.

T'Challa grabbed onto him and kicked his back. "I am going to kill you for hurting the ones I love!" He continued to kick everywhere he could. T'Challa couldn't even seem to come up with his moves; he just knew he wanted to hurt Barnes.

Once you caught your breath and carefully stood up, you grabbed T'Challa away from him. "We don't want to kill him." You said quietly.

"Why not? All he has done is cause trouble and hurt!"

"I know...but it is not our battle to fight." You tried to tell him. You really didn't want T'Challa to get into more trouble with people.

By now, The Winter Soldier ran out when he saw an escape option.

"It turned into my battle when he killed my father and hurt you." T'Challa held your hand as he looked you in the eye.

You didn't know what to say, so you just looked down at your hands.

"I told you to be careful." T'Challa sighed.

"I was just trying to help. He is... really at an advantage with the metal arm." You told him.

"You are okay though, yes?"

You nodded. "Thanks to you..."

"I care about you a lot," T'Challa told you, and you nodded.

You opened your mouth to say something, but you were cut off. "You guys good over here?" Black Widow asked the two of you.

"Besides being almost killed? Yeah, we're good." You smiled.

"What happened?" She asked.

You shrugged. "Barnes choked me, but luckily T'Challa kicked him out of the way."

She smiled. "That's good to hear."

"I still want to kill him." T'Challa turned to you.  "He hurts everyone I love...I cannot accept that."

You shook your head with a small laugh, leaning in to hug T'Challa. "I love you too."

Black Widow smiled. "I'll leave you two to it; I'm glad you're both okay." She said, and walked off. "Looks like we've got ourselves a couple of fighters." She told Tony.

"Oh, good to know," Tony said. "Wait, was that a pun?"

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