Brainchild - Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Words: 994
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Requested by anon
Summary: You love hearing Bucky talk about the 40s. When he slips into the old accent and realizes you like it, he uses it to his advantage.
Author's Note: Boys can totally giggle



"What was it like living back then?" You asked your best friend.

"Scary," Bucky shrugged, "At least for most of the world."

"Does that include you?" You cocked an eyebrow, looking down at his metal arm.

Bucky shrugged, "Not as much as others. I was proud to be fighting for my country, you know, doll?"

You smiled at the name he called you. It was beyond obvious that you and Bucky had a thing for each other, but neither of you ever spoke up. The most that ever happened was flirting back and forth, not that it really made a big deal.

One thing Bucky didn't know about you is that you adore accents, and whenever he slipped into the 1940s accent, you internally lost it. Of course, you would never let him discover that, though; it would just give him an advantage to teasing you.

"Yeah, that's understandable," You nodded, "What was it like, waking up in the future?" You were always curious about his experience, and since you two were so close now, you could actually ask without feeling awkward. "Was that scary?"

Bucky stifled out a laugh, "Well, everything was so advanced. I had no idea what most things were," He sighed, "The internet is so helpful."

You nodded, "That's what Steve said."

"I do, however, miss how we used to talk. It all seemed much more fun and classier. Now everything just sounds dumb," You noticed Bucky's eyes shift around the room.

"What was your favorite phrase from then that we don't use anymore?"

"That's easy: I just had a brainchild!" Bucky's smile grew big, and you burst out laughing.

"That sounds so random-"

"It means idea in today's language." He specified with a nod.

"It's all so interesting, and I'll bet there was some sort of accent that was different than today, too, yes?" You asked, accidentally getting way too into the conversation.

Bucky knew you liked accents, and he realized that maybe you liked how he talked all those years ago. So, he decided to give it a shot. "I guess you have some research to do, huh, cookie?" He smirked when he spoke with the slight accent from the 1940s, and he walked away, leaving you alone on the couch.


Bucky was pleased to know that you enjoyed the 1940s way of talking, and he knew you would have fit in well. Ever since he figured out what you loved, he always enjoyed slipping in some slang from his day and sometimes even going into the accent, just to make you blush.

"Hey!" Bucky ran down the hallway to catch up with you, "How does going to the casino sound?"

"You want to go to the casino?" You chuckled, "I'm not an excellent player."

"I'll teach you!" He smiled.

"Really? You play?" You raised an eyebrow.

Bucky smirked and slipped into his accent, "'Course! I'm an ace at the game," And as soon as the words came out of his mouth, you knew what he was doing.

"Bucky, shut up," You groaned and walked away from him.

Bucky had an advantage over you, and that did not please you. He was able to make you blush and giggle, while you had no idea what would get him to act this way.

So you made it your mission; find out what made Bucky giggle. It took endless days of sitting with Bucky and letting him tease you with the accent, but you finally got it. And, of course, it happened when you were half asleep. You were sitting next to Bucky on the couch, watching a movie late at night.

A random movie was playing as Bucky kept trying to mess with you, but you were too distracted trying to figure out what would mess with him to notice. Sure, a few times, you giggled, and your face turned pink, but most times, you weren't listening very well. After he continued trying and trying again, he realized that you were falling asleep.

You grabbed his metal arm and started to mess with his fingers; you saw it as interesting. "Bucky, why are people so scared of this?" You tiredly moved his arm around.

Bucky shrugged, not sure why you were asking, "Probably because it's not normal."

"But it's so cool!" You awed, making him smile, and you didn't see it, but his cheeks blushed a light pink.

Before he could say anything, you jumped up. "I had a fantastic idea!" Then, you burst out laughing and lowered your voice to a whisper, "I just had a brainchild."

Bucky shook his head with a laugh as you ran out of the room and came back in a minute. You squealed and showed the package of dry erase markers you grabbed and ran back over to sit next to Bucky. Grabbing his metal arm again, you pulled out some markers and began to draw. "Bucky, this is awesome!" You marveled as you wiped off your first creation and started to draw another.

Bucky looked at you as you drew random drawings on him. He was so used to hiding his arm from the public, this was all so new to him, and he liked it. You were showing that you loved everything about him, even the imperfections. And that is Bucky's weakness.

And of course, you didn't realize that it was his weakness until you drew a heart in red and wrote in blue above it. "Fuck Steve Rogers, you have me." With a drawing of you inside the heart.

When you looked up at Bucky, you realized his face was red, and he was giggling at you. It was the same reaction you had to him talking with the accent. Dropping the markers, you threw your hands up.

"I found Bucky's weakness!" You shouted, dancing around to celebrate. And with a strange look from Bucky making you calm down, you both erupted into a fit of laughter.

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