Zombie Unicorns - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader

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Words: 1268
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers
Warnings: (accidental) underage drinking
Requested by anon
Summary: You've been to a lot of your dad's parties, and have always been responsible when it came to what you drank. There was bound to be a mistake one time...
Author's Note: This is my first fic of 2017!! Ayyy!!



"Tell me what I told you," Your father said to you before the party.

You groaned, rolling your eyes. "Now, don't you and Spider-Boy go anywhere near the bar. I don't need innocent children getting drunk," You recited in a low voice, trying to match Tony's.

"Perfect! I cannot afford to hear Steve go off on me if you end up-"

"Dad!" You stopped him, "I'm too young even to drink. I'll be fine. Plus, I'll be with Peter; he's not stupid," You told Tony, hoping to get him off your back.

"I'm serious-"

"Oh, would you look at that? Sam's going in your lab!" You pointed, and as soon as Tony turned around to see that there was no one near his lab, you ran away.

Your father groaned, annoyed with you. But you are his teenage child; he should have expected this. Plus, as a Stark teenager, there wasn't much surprise that this was how you acted.


You should be used to it by now, but every time your dad throws a party, you're always amazed at how everything turns out. Of course, growing up, you experienced more parties than any child ever should, so this shouldn't be anything new to you. Your father is one of the most popular people around, so for his parties to not be extravagant would be insane. 

But now, instead of just being told to stay in your room or hiding in the back, you actually had friends to talk to and hang out with. Sometimes you stayed at the party; sometimes, you explored the venue. But as the party tonight was at Stark Tower, you didn't know what else you could do.

"Hey, kid, what number is this?" Natasha walked up to you, a drink in her hands.

"At this point, it feels like I've been to a thousand parties. I've lost count," You laughed and clinked your glass of soda with whatever she was drinking. 

"I'll bet," Natasha nodded to you when you saw more and more people walking in. It was clear this would be a full party, and you didn't even know what you were celebrating. 

Before you could turn back to talk to Natasha again, she was dragged away by Clint demanding she went to see something. So, yet again, you were left alone.

You sat on the couch your father and a few of his friends gathered around. Peter was taking forever to get to the tower, as it was hard for him to sneak away without questioning, meaning you had to sit alone and wait for your best friend. 

Normally, someone would try to talk to you and ask you about everything you do as a Stark. More often, reporters are the ones to come up to you and try to get some juice on Tony, but you never said anything to them. You knew how they twisted words and put things you didn't even say, and if one thing goes wrong, child services would probably be at your door.

You sat and observed everyone near you as you waited for Peter. Observing and listening was an easy thing to do, as it barely took any effort, and it only required you just to listen to what was being said.

You were so tuned in to the world around you that you didn't notice the person that was coming up behind you. You held your glass in your hand, and you watched your father talk about random projects he was working on and what his latest mission as Iron Man was all about. You, of course, knew about every project as you help him work on these things, and you monitor the comms when the Avengers are out saving the world.

You jumped when you heard your name shouted and dropped your glass on the floor, breaking the glass and having the drink spill everywhere. You turned around to see Peter holding his hands over his mouth and trying to keep his laughter in.

The loud noises caught the attention of everyone around. "(Y/N)..." Your father sighed, obviously annoyed.

"It was Peter's fault! He scared me!" You put your hands up in defense, "But since I am such a good child, I will clean it up," You smirked and stood up to grab a towel, coming back a minute later to wipe up the mess. You glared at Peter once you walked away from the scene o the crime, and he burst out laughing. After slapping his shoulder a few times, he calmed down and apologized.

"But to be honest, it was hilarious!" He told you.

You crossed your arms. "Come with me to get another drink," You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bar. You already felt guilty for going to the bar, what your dad told you not to do, but you needed a replacement soda or two. You weren't going to get anything alcoholic; you just wanted some caffeine. 

You told the person working the bar what you wanted and sat on the stool as you waited. "So Peter," You started, "What took you so long this time?"

Peter groaned. "May would not leave me alone long enough to sneak out. She demanded that we stay up and finish watching our movie, no matter how many times I told her I wanted to go to bed," He laughed, rolling his eyes a tad. 

Your drink was set down in front of you, and you quickly drank half of the glass. "Wow, that's a good mix," You commented, realizing that it tasted better than what you got earlier. Peter ordered the same thing you had only to agree with you that it tasted great.

After a few more of those, your words started to slur together.

"Uh, excuse me, what's in this?" You asked the bartender. They laughed and told you it was the soda you asked for mixed with "something with a little kick- alcohol."

When you exploded at them that you didn't ask for that, they only replied, "It's Tony Stark's party, live a little."

You grabbed Peter's wrist and tried to walk away, but your head was getting dizzier the longer the drink was in you. You could barely move, and instead of making it upstairs where your dad wouldn't see you, you only managed to make it to one of the tables in the back of the room that overlooked the city.

Your words were getting harder to understand, and Peter wasn't far behind you. He drank as much as you did, just after you, so his hadn't kicked in all the way yet. 

You tried to speak, but as you had not been exposed to alcohol before, you found everything hilarious. When you talked, you heard your words mixing and ended up laughing, then only speaking in gibberish. The laughing and gibberish talking soon caught onto Peter, and somehow you ended up having a very confusing conversation about zombie unicorns.

It was stopped after a little while when Steve saw you guys acting strange and came to investigate. "What's going on with you two?"

"Taste this," You pushed the drink over to him, and when he took a sip, he could tell there was alcohol in it.

"Wow, this is going to be fun to explain to Tony," He groaned and pulled up a chair, "I guess I'm the babysitter for now," He sighed and had no choice but to listen to the conversation about zombie unicorns.

"Cap, did you know they only eat rainbow brains?" Peter asked and burst out laughing again.

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