Bastard - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1284
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: implied smut, swearing, drinking
Requested by anon
Summary: It's no secret to you that you and Pietro have something between you, but no one else needs to know that.
Author's Note: Yes, Wanda can read minds but I like to think she respects her team enough to not invade their minds like that.



"Oh, I highly doubt that!" Wanda laughed at Clint, "We've been friends for years. Don't you think that would be weird?" Wanda raised her eyebrow as she talked about you and Pietro.

You nodded with a laugh. "That would be beyond weird! Pietro? Dating? Yeah, I do not think so."

"I don't know; it just seemed like you and Pietro had a different approach with each other, like you were dating, so I thought you were just hiding it," Clint shrugged, "I guess I was wrong."

You nervously smiled. "Yeah, we definitely aren't dating. Especially with Wanda as my best friend, that would probably take some getting used to."

You have been friends with the Maximoff Twins since your days at HYDRA when you were seventeen. You instantly became friends with Wanda and took a slight liking to Pietro. And of course, when no one was paying attention and HYDRA was working on Wanda with no looking after you and Pietro, things escalated from flirting pretty quickly. It never went to the point of romantically dating or anything of the sorts, maybe just a little more than friends.

Not that you would ever tell anyone or anyone would find out, though.

"Yeah, that would be kind of weird," Clint agreed. "What do you guys have going on tonight? Going out with the others?"

"I'm babysitting your kids, remember?" Wanda laughed and nudged Clint's side.

"Oh, right!" Clint nodded, "Thanks and good luck in advance. (Y/N), what are you doing tonight?"

You shrugged, "Not sure; I was not planning on going out because we have been working so hard lately; I just need a break." You told him a little lie.

"Makes sense. I've got a date night with Laura, but the rest have a party to attend. So it looks like you'll have the place to yourself tonight," Clint smiled.

"Pietro is staying in too, so you won't be alone!" Wanda added in, smiling at you.

You laughed nervously and nodded, "Sounds cool."


"Don't go into my lab," Tony pointed at you and the Maximoff boy.

"Don't worry, Tony, I won't let him touch anything," You smiled and patted Pietro's shoulder.

Pietro laughed and crossed his arms, "Come on-"

"I'll let them fireball you," Tony warned as he talked about the powers HYDRA granted you.

"Hell yeah!" You cheered, "I have been wanting to see if he's fast enough to dodge my fire!"

"I would rather if we did not try that," Pietro laughed.

"Oh, please!" You leaned onto him.

"Do not hurt my brother without me around," Wanda told you, laughing as she walked out of the base.

Slowly, everyone filed out of the base. Almost everyone was going to the fancy party for the Avengers-,and you finally had the place to yourself, minus Pietro, which was okay.

After a few minutes, you two ended up in the common room. Pietro walked closer to you and wrapped his arm around your waist, your hand falling behind his neck. "When you told Stark you wouldn't let me touch anything, does that mean you're off-limits too?" Pietro whispered as his mouth got closer to yours, making a connection.

"You Sokovian bastard," You laughed, "Maybe that's the one exception," You smirked as his mouth lowered slightly, stopping at your jaw. "Your sister would kill us."

"You have been saying that since we were seventeen."

"My concern doesn't change, Pietro," You laughed slightly.

"Who cares? No one is here and will not be for hours. We have time to see each other again; it has been so long," Pietro sighed, "Come on, you look great."

You nodded, "You're right." And to be honest, it had been a long time. There hadn't been many chances for you and Pietro to have some alone time, let alone have the whole place empty. "But remember, don't break anything, or you get the fire."

Pietro laughed, "I'll be careful." He swooped you up and sped off to his bedroom, a smirk evident on his face.


Your phone started blaring right on the dot of two in the morning. Almost making you fall out o bed, maybe it was a good thing it woke you up as you were still in Pietro's room. You saw Tony's name flash across the top, and you answered with a tired, "What do you want?"

Pietro was now awake, too, looking at you in his shirt. "We're heading to a bar and wanted to make sure that you still were being a party pooper!"

You groaned, "I was sleeping, Tony."

"Told you, you should have let them be," You heard Natasha mock in the background.

"Okay, whatever, we'll be back later," He told you and quickly hung up.

You put your hands over your eyes and rolled out of bed, picking up your clothes and groaning as you did so.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Pietro furrowed his eyebrows at you.

"I'm going back to my room, so when they get back they won't catch us," You explained as you slipped Pietro's shirt over your head and threw it onto the bed, quickly putting your own on.

Pietro sighed, "You have a point."

"How long are we going to keep doing this?" You asked him.

He shrugged, "As long as we want to, right?"

You nodded, not really sure how to reply, and slowly walked out of the room.

You went to breakfast with Wanda the next morning, and she had no idea about what you were doing with her brother. You felt guilty for not telling her, but how could you? She would never look at either of you the same again, and you couldn't risk losing your best friend.

She even asked if you were alright, she could tell something was off. But when you told her what she knew was a lie, she knew she would have to be sneaky to find the truth.

She had to wait for the perfect moment when almost no one was there. It took a few weeks, but most of the team had something to attend that didn't involve you, Pietro, Wanda, and Sam (since he was sick). Wanda told you and Pietro she was going out, just to make sure you knew.

"Come on, Draga, one more time," Pietro was begging as he clung onto you, trying to kiss your neck.

"You say that every time, Pietro," You whispered.

Pietro smiled against your neck, "It keeps working. And I know you need it too, this job is stressful, and we do not have time to bring others into the base," He tried to reason with you. And worst of all, it was working. "The only other person here is bird guy, and he's sick."

By now, you and Pietro were making out on his bed, and things were progressing slowly. Wanda had to act fast- she looked all over for you. Training, bathroom, Sam's room, everywhere! "Maybe she's talking to Pietro," She whispered to herself and headed to find her brother.

She pushed the door to his bedroom open, and her jaw dropped at sight. You and Pietro were lying on the bed, Pietro already shirtless, and he was in the process of removing yours. "What is going on?" She screamed.

Quickly, you rolled over and onto the floor, "H-Hi, Wanda..." You whispered.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she started to piece all the evidence together, "You know, I don't even want to know. I'm going to the store." And she slammed Pietro's door.

You yelled at Pietro that you knew this would happen. "Well, at least now she knows!" He smiled, which only made him receive a slap on the arm from you.

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