Young God - Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader

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Words: 1260
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader
Featuring: Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Wanda, others mentioned
Warnings: swearing, kissing, implied smut (but none written)
Requested by anon
Summary: Based on Young God by Halsey, you are decided that you do not like Pietro, but after a late night, something changes your mind.
Author's Note: As I go through to edit my old fics, this is one I edited hard. I originally wrote this in 2016 and coming back to look at it, I realized there were some problems with the sexyish scene that didn't have clear consent so I edited it to make sure consent it clear!! Both Pietro and Reader are adults in this (made even clearer by the drinking haha). So if you read this before and notice some changes, that's why! I do love this song, though.



Oh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends. I'm a king and you're a queen and we will stumble through heaven.

I'm the king of everything, and oh, my tongue is a weapon...if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight.

Do you feel like a young god? You know the two of us are just young gods.


"You know what he says to me?" You said loudly.

"What does he say to you?" Steve sighed, not really caring.

"Oh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends." You mocked in a deep voice, giving it an accent to try to match the little shit that is Pietro Maximoff.

Steve laughed. "I mean, he's not entirely wrong. We have saved the world a few times."

"Yeah, but he doesn't mean it like that!" You groaned, falling back into the kitchen chair.

"I get you don't like the kid, but do you ever think he's just saying these things because he knows you don't like it?" Steve asked as he grabbed an apple out of the fridge.

"He also tells me, I'm a king, and you're a queen, and we will stumble through heaven." You told Steve, ignoring his question. "Like, I don't like him. At all."

"He likes you, though?" Steve asked.

"I think he just wants to get into my pants." You crossed your arms. "It's Pietro Maximoff; isn't that what he always does?"

Steve shrugged. "I think he's cooled down from it. No reports of Stark's system saying someone going the speed of light has left or returned after hours." Secretly, Steve could see that you were attached to him too, you just didn't know it yourself.

You rolled your eyes. "Just because it hasn't happened in a while doesn't mean that he's changed."

Steve shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you, kiddo."

You groaned. "I just want him to stop."

Steve smiled and ruffled your hair. "I'm heading to bed; good luck with him."


The next night part of the team was on a mission, but the ones not on a mission, which included you, decided to play some games and have a happy hour while waiting for reports.

So you, Sam, Clint, Natasha, and Pietro sat in a circle talking about what to do.

"Truth or dare, Clint," Natasha asked.

It was a random game that none of you expected Natasha to be the one to start, but she was drinking, so it made more sense. "Dare, I guess." Clint laughed.

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