Stories - Bucky Barnes & Reader

6.7K 126 13

Words: 1530
Pairing: dad!Bucky & teen!Reader
Featuring: Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers
Warnings: nightmares, fighting
Requested by anon
Summary: You are the child of Bucky Barnes. But once you were born, he retired from the Avengers. Now, he rarely talks about his experience on the team and how he got on it. When something bad happens, it's up to you to figure out why he's acting so strange.
Author's Note: I love Bucky but the timeline of Bucky having a child confuses me, so just go with it. 



"You never talk about what it was like to be an Avenger, dad; you don't even let me talk to Steve about it," You sighed as you were trying to get through to your father.

"That's because my history into becoming an Avenger was not a good one, kid, you know that," Bucky told you, "Why can't you just get some sleep tonight?"

"Because I'm a rebellious teenager," You raised an eyebrow, grabbing your phone.

"You have school tomorrow; please put the phone away and get some sleep," Bucky begged.

"If you tell me about you saving the world and how you got involved in it, then I'll turn my phone off an hour early for the rest of the week!" You offered, showing him your phone and how you started to scroll through social media.

Bucky's eyes closed. Sometimes he didn't know what to do with you. "What would your mother think?"

"I don't know; she died when I was a baby," You shrugged, "Please, dad?"

"I'm not talking about it. I retired so I could get it off my mind," He started, "Stay on your phone as long as you want. But I don't want to hear you complain about you being tired tomorrow!" Bucky pointed and walked out of your room.

You turned your phone off and stared up at your ceiling. You just wish your dad would talk to you about this stuff, but it never seemed to happen. All you knew about his past job was that he got the job from a horrible past, he met a girl (your mother) a few years after he joined, he quit once you were born, and you were banned from searching anything up from it.

The only other person you met from the Avengers was Steve, but he didn't talk about it out of respect for Bucky. Your father was always closed up, especially when it came to this.


"Hey, darling, come here," Your father came running into your room in the middle of the night, only a few days after the two of you fought. He was talking calmly, but his face was freaked out.

You jumped out of bed when he handed you your suitcase. "What's going on?"

He passed you a note. We need to leave. House bugged, in danger. Hurry. Don't say anything.

You nodded and grabbed the suitcase, throwing all the important things into your bag. You grabbed your backpack that had your school stuffed mixed with some things to do while you were bored. You threw as many clothes in your bag as you could fit, as well as your computer and chargers, and a few things you kept in your room.

"Ready?" Bucky came back a few minutes later, bags in his hands.

You nodded, grabbing your suitcase and bookbag, holding your pillow under your arm. "Great," He smiled, walking out of the house with you near him.

It was pitch black outside; you hadn't even checked the time. "What are we doing?" You asked quietly while you and your father ran out of the house and passed the car.

"Hold on," Bucky said, "We're losing their tail."


"Shh, just follow me. We'll talk once we're safe," Bucky nodded to you as you two walked down the sidewalk.

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