Your Moves - Peter Parker x Reader

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Words: 1157
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Featuring: Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark
Warnings: swearing, awkwardness
Requested by anon
Summary: Two awkward teenagers have crushes on each other, but neither of them knows it. Chaos.
Author's Note: You control light (think iridessa from tinker bell lol). I love lil awkward peter.



"I've figured it out!" You yelled as you ran into the kitchen, causing Peter to jump.

"Calm down. Figured out what?" Peter asked after he took a deep breath.

"I figured out why you never train with me," You told him.

Peter scoffed. "And why is that?"

"You know I'll beat you!" You pointed.

As he burst out laughing, Natasha walked into the room. "They can kick your ass, Spider."

"Yeah, sure," Peter scoffed and walked over to sit next to you.

"Then let's fight right now. I want to see you try to beat me," You enticed your best friend, "Come on, Peter!"

"Not right now; I'm eating food."

"Sounds like you're trying to find an excuse to not fight," Natasha smirked and went to the fridge to get something to drink.

"I am not finding excuses!" Peter shouted.

You nodded sarcastically, "Sure."


You were scrolling through random social media as you sat on your bed. It was your day off; who cared what you did? The only reason you would actually have to do anything was if there was an emergency mission- which doesn't happen often.

You snapped up when there was a knock and shouted for whoever it was to open the door. "What are you doing hiding away in here?" Tony asked.

"Did you know that you're shipped with Cap?"

"What? No, wait, I don't want to know," Tony stopped you, "We have to talk about something."

"That's never good."

"I don't know how I feel about you and Peter Parker dating," Tony raised his eyebrow.

"Peter and me, dating?" You burst out laughing.

"It just seems like you two have a thing for each other," Tony shrugged, "So I thought you would get together."

You laughed, and when Tony gave you a look, you calmed down. "Fine, I like him."

"I knew it!" Tony called and pointed at you as you covered your face with your hands, "Have a good day!" And he shut your door, leaving you confused and not aware of what his next step was going to be.

"Have you seen Spider-Boy?" Tony asked everyone he passed and finally found Peter Parker working on some school work. "So, Parker."


Training alone always seemed to bore you. That's why when you did train, you always had someone with you. Today was different, though, as it was later in the day, and Tony took some of the team to a fancy dinner party. Some of the team was just busy doing other work, and not to mention the few team members who were heading to a place out of town where their next job was. But alas, some just didn't want to train.

You had music playing, just the random Top 40 station that FRIDAY gave you. One reason you knew Peter never fought you was because he was afraid of your power; and that you couldn't control it very well. After all, you are a teenager, and learning to manage a power is tough.

Ever since Tony talked to Peter about you and exposed that Tony knew Peter's secret, you have been the only thing on the Spider-Boy's mind. He was freaking out about talking to you, feeling that he wasn't able to all of a sudden. He was scared because Tony knew about his crush, and he didn't even know how you felt about him! That didn't make Peter feel any better; it just scared him more.

While Peter was debating about talking to you, he decided to see if training would help him decide. Or at least take his mind off all his problems.

You grabbed the light shining through the windows into the room and aimed it at one of the targets in the corner of the room. You went through the steps in your head Wanda tried to teach you since her powers were the closest to yours. You made sure to ball up the light you grabbed, so it was easier to control, then focus all your mind onto that one job. Then, take care in aiming, and throw it as hard as possible to get it to go as far as you needed.

"Oh fuck this!" You yelled when you missed the shot after trying over and over again. You fell to the ground, almost out of energy. "Do you want me to call anyone?" FRIDAY asked, afraid you were hurt.

"No, just," You groaned as you sat up, "Turn the music up to max, please."

The AI obliged and turned your music up, so all your thoughts were drowned out. The popular song, Can't Stop This Feeling came on, and since you heard it so much, you knew some of the words. Plus, it had a good beat that was very familiar.

You decided it would be easier to get up and dance around and forget training. It would be so much easier if you didn't have to train at all and just dance around, even if it was terrible.

Dancing to the beat, you pranced around the room as you quietly mumbled the lyrics. You forget that the wall to the outside was glass, and anyone who wanted could see in, but you didn't expect anyone to come to the training room anyway. They already said no.

Peter wasn't expecting to find you in the training room. He knew you hated training alone; you never got anywhere if you were the only one in there. He was surprised, but it made more sense when he found out that you were dancing instead.

After about a minute of Peter watching you, he spoke up. "You really have some moves there!" He shouted, trying to get over the music.

You barely heard it, and your head snapped around. FRIDAY stopped the music to let you and Peter acknowledge each other and maybe talk. "T-thanks?" You laughed a bit, "Are yours any better?"

"I don't think anyone could beat your moves," Peter laughed.

You realized that this had been the first time since Tony talked to you that you actually saw Peter alone. "If he planned this..." You thought, and Tony would be the first on your death list.

"Thanks, Peter," You smiled with a nod.

"H-hey, I was, um, wondering if you would like to-" Peter stopped mid-sentence, waiting for you to gesture to continue, "Would you like to go out?"

You cocked your head to the side and put your hand on Peter's shoulder, "If I say yes, we are not going dancing."

Peter nodded, his smile growing. "Yes, no dancing!"

"Then I would love to," You told him, kissed his cheek, and walked out of the training room. Leaving him alone and flustered after a small kiss, you found it hilarious.

"What the hell..." Peter whispered as he turned around to watch the door of the room close, a smile clear on his face and his cheeks tinted pink.

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