Ship Wars - Steve Rogers x Reader

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Words: 1138
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Featuring: basically all of the avengers
Warnings: swearing
Requested by @ohwheredidpetewentzgo
Summary: Tony and Rhodey are arguing about if you and Steve are dating, and end up forming teams to debate the topic. 
Author's Note: just a warning this is very dialogue-heavy



"Are you sure they're together?" Tony whispered to Vision and Rhodey.

"Yes," Rhodey replied.

"Really? I just don't see them being together. I mean, (Y/N) doesn't seem like Steve's type." Tony shrugged.

"You know Steve's type?" Rhodey winked.

Vision cut in. "Well, Mr. Stark may mean that they do not seem like a typical couple that would get together."

"But that's the thing; they aren't," Rhodey said.

"But think about it: (Y/N) and Steve," Tony said. "I just don't see it happening."

"And why not?"

"They aren't anything alike," Tony replied to Rhodey.

"Opposites attract." Vision said.

"Yeah, but like, I just don't seem the getting along. (Y/N) is pretty new to the team...and doesn't seem to know much. Steve seems more annoyed with them than anything." Tony sighed.

"Exactly, that's why it's a secret relationship! None of us are supposed to know!" Rhodey had a cheesy smile. "Shh." He put his fingers up to his mouth to emphasize the secret.

"What are we shushing about?" You walked into the kitchen with a laugh and grabbed an apple off the table.

"Oh, just Vision and Wanda's secret relationship." Tony covered.

"Not much of a secret, is it?" You laughed. "I'm going to go ask Wanda about it!" You yelled before Vision could say anything, and you ran off.

"We really should be careful about talking about others in the wide-open; who knows if they heard us?" Tony sighed.

"They didn't. I will find out if they are together. Let me go tell Wanda a plan." Vision said, and he phased through the floor.


"So, (Y/N)," Wanda asked when she walked into the kitten for breakfast, a few days after you confronted her about Vision.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"Since you seem to be so interested in my love life, do you have that special someone?" Wanda asked, reciting everything Vision told her to say.

"Uh," You stopped yourself. "Nope."

"Are you sure?"

You laughed. "I think I would know if I had that special someone."

A second later, Steve walked in. "Hey (Y/N)," He drug out your name before notice Wanda was there too. "Morning, Wandaaaaa." He copied.

"Hi, Steve." You smiled. "Are we all going to that new breakfast place, or did we decide against it?"

"Sam and Bucky are just about ready. Are you ready to go?" Steve asked.

"Yep! Just washing my hands." You turned to Wanda. "Would you like to join us all for breakfast?"

"No, thank you." She smiled. "Have my own plans."

You walked out of the room with Steve. "She's onto us." You whispered; Steve barely even heard it.

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