Shots - Natasha Romanoff x Reader

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Words: 1020
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Featuring: Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner
Warnings: needles, shots, drinking
Requested by anon
Summary: When finding out the yearly medicine all the Avengers take changes form, you freak out. Natasha wants to help you through your fear of needles and shots.
Author's Note: i related to this request because i was very afraid of needles and shots, so much so I broke my mom's cheek once getting a shot. (They're not so bad now tho!!)



"You fight for your life every day, but that's what you're scared of?" Natasha laughed when she heard of your fear.

"It's normal for people to be scared of that!" You argued.

Natasha shrugged. "I don't know; I guess I'm just surprised that you're afraid of shots," She smiled, "It's not something I would pin on you."

"If you tell the team-"

"I won't tell them," Natasha laughed, "Well, at least not today."

Glaring, she put her hand on your shoulder. "You know you love me." She smiled.

"As of right now, no, no I don't," You pushed her hand off of you, making her gasp and throw her hand over her heart.


You were sitting in your room when there was a random knock on the door. After yelling for them to enter, Steve walked in with a big smile.

"What's got you so excited?" You laughed, putting down what you were working on.

"What do you mean?"

"You look happy," You shrugged, guessing that was just Steve's mood for the day, "What's up?"

"I was coming to ask you if you were going to the lab," He started, making your eyebrows raise in confusion, "You know, so we can get the medicine we need to keep doing this job."

"Oh, right! Yeah, I'll be there."

You rushed out of your room to follow Steve. Bruce was the one to make personalized medicine to make sure it was very hard for the Avengers to get sick. Who knows what would happen if some villain could take down the whole team by getting them sick.

So Bruce came up with the idea of making medicine for you that would last the entire year, keeping you all in health and able to fight whenever it was needed.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Natasha asked as she walked out of the lab to greet you.

"Yeah?" You chuckled, "It's just a pill like it always is."

Her eyebrows went up, telling you something was off. "Not this time," Natasha started, scaring you. "To make it more powerful, Bruce had to make it a-"

"Nope!" You shouted, and ran away from the lab and the conversation you were having.

Tony and Steve's heads snapped over when they heard the scream. "What was that about?" Tony laughed as Bruce was getting ready to give Tony his shot.

"Well, they get a bit nervous around needles," Natasha sighed.

"They do?" Bruce asked, "If I had known, I would have tried-"

"It wouldn't work as well," Natasha interrupted him, "Plus, they need to get over this fear."

"Who would have thought (Y/N) would be the one scared of shots?" Steve laughed as Natasha ran away, trying to go after you.

She yelled your name as she walked through the hallways. "Come on, don't make me call the whole team to go after you!" She shouted, trying to get your attention. "It's just a little pinch! Trust me; needles don't hurt!"

You could hear her, but you were never going to leave the hiding spot you found. No matter how hard she tried, you were sure Natasha would never find you. "Please? I really don't want you to get hurt. Plus, you only have to do this once a year!"

You continued to sit in silence, still afraid. "Okay, how about this," Natasha started. Her voice was getting louder, meaning she was getting closer. "We can go get shots after you get your medicine shot. Or, we can even take shots while you are getting your shot."

You laughed at how much she really wanted you to do this; and how much you weren't going to do it. You hated needles with a passion, shots were not your easy spot.

"Ha!" Natasha screamed, opening up where your hiding spot was. "I heard your laugh!"

"I'm not moving from here," You told her, a serious and straight face on.

"Then I'll just have Bruce come down here," She cocked an eyebrow.

"Natasha..." You groaned, closing your eyes when your heart felt like the beating was just getting louder.

"I'm serious. If you take a shot right when Bruce gives you your shot, you won't feel a thing," She held her hand out, "Would I lie to you?"

You shrugged, "Probably."

You made Natasha laugh, but still grabbed her hand to get up. "If I feel anything, you owe me."

"Deal," She smiled, and pulled you out of the room. She was running, "Tony!"

Once she got Tony's attention, she was able to get him to get you your favorite drink. If it would get you to do this, Tony was all for helping. Well, as long as you didn't drink everything he had.

"You got this," Steve smiled as he stood outside of the glass room.

"It'll be quick, I promise," Bruce said as he put a cotton ball on your shoulder, "Plus, it will be for the best."

"Are you ready?" Natasha held up her shot glass and 'cheered' with you.

Bruce got the needle, and you looked away, afraid that if you looked, you would chicken out again. He started to countdown, and you put your glass closer to your lips, ready to take a drink.

"Now!" Natasha shouted when Bruce gave her a signal, making you tip your head back to take the whole drink in.

When you finished the shot, your head fell back down to see Natasha smiling. "We're done," Bruce commented as another cloth went on your shoulder.

"See, I knew you could do it," Natasha smiled, taking your glass from your hands.

You looked past Natasha to see Steve and Tony dancing around. "Yay! Congrats!" They were cheering.

"You know, I'm still down for the other shots," You laughed.

"Me too!" Tony yelled, stopping the cheer, "Let's go!"

Tony grabbed your hand and tried to pull you away, but you didn't move. "Tony, I meant Natasha."

"Take that, guys," Natasha flicked Tony's head and hit Steve's arm, obviously trying to brag. And it worked, the guys were upset that the two of you went out without them.

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