Get A Handle On Things - Avengers x Reader

10.4K 223 39

Words: 528
Pairing: Avengers x Reader
Featuring: Tony, Steve, Natasha, Sam, Clint, Bucky, Wanda
Warnings: swearing, stupid jokes
Requested by @tonystarktrash101
"Hey so there is this post on Instagram going around and its of this girl who broke the sink by pulling off the handle, so she couldn't turn it off. Could you make an imagine for that with the Avengers like laughing and making fun of you. Thanks :)"
Summary: A few harmless jokes leads to harming a kitchen sink, how long until the kitchen is flooded? How do you get the water to stop?
Author's Note: ok so I haven't seen this video you're talking about but I found this request funny and thought that maybe this would be funny to write. It's definitely shorter, but like I said, not much about relationship stuff, just for a laugh :)



Washing the dishes was supposed to be an easy thing.

But with everyone laughing and cracking jokes in the living room and kitchen area, it seemed to be a little more complicated.

It was your night to do the dishes that were overflowing in the sink. And you were still having conversations with everyone around you, multitasking.

"I'm obviously better than Cap," Tony said, and your initial reaction was to laugh.

You were laughing way too hard for the situation, and it caused everyone else to laugh. It escalated to just a bunch of people laughing. And when everyone calmed down, you all were staring at each other—causing you to burst out laughing again.

"I think you need help," Steve said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, let me call someone..." Tony smiled.

"Hey!" You yelled, pulling your hand off of the sink handle. Suddenly, you were splashed with water.

You were very confused by what was happening, then you looked up at your hand, realizing you pulled off the sink handle.

"Oh." You said, not thinking too much about it.

"What did you do?" Tony yelled while everyone else was trying not to laugh.

"Chill, it's okay." You shrugged.

Tony closed his eyes and moved his head to face you. "You do realize we can't turn the sink off now, right?"

Your smile faded. "Shit." And at this point, everyone burst out laughing.

"You're so smart!" Steve said.

"What a great multitasker." Clint winked.

"Earth's Clumsiest Hero." Natasha smiled.

"Guys..." You whined, stomping one foot as you did.

"How did you even manage to pull the handle off? You're not that strong." Bucky laughed.

"I don't know! It was an accident." You crossed your arms as the sink began to fill up.

"Oh, it was an accident?" Tony teased, trying to mimic your voice.

"That is not how I sound!" You yelled.

Everyone continued teasing you for what happened, and before you knew it, you were standing in a pool of water.

"Oh, just great." You mumbled, looking down at the ends of your pants that were soaked.

"How the hell are we going to clean this up if the damn sink doesn't stop?" Tony asked.

"We could go turn the water off," Steve suggested.

"That would turn the water off for the whole place; I don't think that's our best idea," Natasha added.

"Duct tape," Sam said. "It fixes everything."

"It won't stop water from coming out of the sink," Clint said back.

Now, instead of laughing, it was arguing. 

You put your hands over your eyes to block out your screw-up, but someone tapped your shoulder.

"What is going on? Why is water all over the floor?" Wanda asked, standing in front of you.

"I broke the sink; this happened." You sighed.

"Oh," Wanda said. "I can fix it." She smiled, and put her hands up, moving her hands around, and the water shut off.

"I would get that fixed quickly." She laughed a bit. "Now, explain to me how all of this happened."

The arguing Avengers looked over at Wanda. "You know, I forgot that Wanda could like, move things with her mind." Sam laughed.

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now