Blame (2/2)- Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1348
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader x Uncle!Clint Barton
Featuring: Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, other avengers mentioned I think
Warnings: mentions of death and revival?, crying (lots of crying)
Requested by anon
"hi! i loved blame, your writing is so good! since you left it at kind of a cliffhanger, can you maybe write a part 2 to it?"
Summary: With the hope of Pietro alive, your mind is spinning. You still don't want to see Clint, but maybe Wanda can help you out.
Author's Note: TBH I didn't even realize it was a cliffhanger but I'm actually really glad that this is continued because it turned out so cute. 


"Hey," Your uncle Clint walked up to you.

"I'm training, please don't bother me." You told him.

"Just listen, alright?" Clint asked you, but you continued to shoot everything you could that was in this room.

"I'm training." You repeated.

"I know you're going through a tough time." He said, but you cut him off.

"Look, I don't need a lecture. I'm trying to clear my head and I am an adult. I can handle this. I'm doing just fine." You told him, shooting another target.

"You just heard a few weeks ago that Pietro could be alive, I just wanted to make sure your emotions are stable." Clint said, trying to get closer to you.

"I said, I'M FINE!" You yelled, pulling back your arrow harder than before, and shooting out a light.

Clint sighed. "I'll tell Tony the light needs fixed."

As soon as Clint left the room and you were sure the door was shut, you threw your bow a few feet away and dropped to your knees. You brought your hands up to your face and covered your eyes, beginning to shed a few tears.

You kept telling yourself that you were fine, but deep down, you were going crazy.

After a few months had passed you were finally starting to accept that your boyfriend was gone, and you'd have to move on. You'd stay mad at your uncle and continue to blame him. But now, hearing that Pietro could be back, everything in your head was messed up.

"Oh my gosh." You heard Wanda's voice. "I knew I heard noise, I did not know it was your mind. What is going on?" You asked.

You sighed, wiping the few tears away.

"Did Tony tell you?" You asked and Wanda nodded, realizing what this was all about. "It's driving me insane, I love Pietro, Wanda, I really do. And I thought I was never going to get him back...but now, there's a chance. And Clint, he keeps talking to me. I'm still mad at him." You sighed.

"It was not really Clint's fault, though, was it?" She asked. "I thought Pietro chose to save him?"

You shrugged. "I was still mad that he didn't just stay on the ship and get to the hellicarrier safely, it was so dangerous." You said quietly.

Wanda offered her hand to you. "Would you like to go on a trip with me?" She asked.

You grabbed her hand and she helped pull you up. "To where?"

She smiled. "Oh, Dr. Cho's lab, of course."


The easy part was getting Tony to take you to the lab in the jet. The hard part was doing it so no one else knew what was going on. Technically, you and Wanda weren't even suppose to know that Helen Cho and Bruce Banner have been working on saving Pietro for the last few months.

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