Catch Me - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

14.5K 330 111

Words: 1063
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff
Featuring: Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: swearing, being kidnapped
Requested by: anon
"Can you do a Pietro one shot, where the reader was kidnapped and tortured by hydra to get back at Pietro and a couple of days later he comes in and saves the day, sort of thing. And he won't let the reader out of his sight afterwards and it gets really fluffy and cute and cuddly, please?????? I love your writing by the way, it's so cute"
Summary: HYDRA captured you to get revenge on Pietro Maximoff and bring him back to their side. Pietro's not going to let them hurt you, and he's not going to let them take him, either.
Author's Note: (thank you, anon, I'm glad you like my writing!) So compared to yesterday's post and the request they're kinda similar, so I tried to make them different so I hope they don't turn out to be that close to one another. Oh well, I still like this one.



"What are you talking about?" You whispered, catching the attention of the guy wearing a HYDRA shirt.

"Oh, just how you're bait." The man shrugged.

"What? For what? Where am I?" You began to fill with panic.

"You're somewhere safe, and don't worry, you'll get to see your boyfriend soon." He said.

"I don't have a boyfriend." You mumbled back.

"You are in a relationship with the Maximoff boy, yes?" He asked you, walking closer to where you were sitting. You tried to pull your hands out, only just realizing that you were locked to a wall.

"No, I'm not." You told him. "We're just friends."

The man laughed. "It seems that he cares about you; I have got my ways of finding things out. Don't worry. He'll be here."

"If he comes here, it's only to save me." You grumbled about your friend.

"And that's why we've got a plan. Someone can only run so fast without falling." He smiled. "Now shut up and get some sleep; we are going to have a great time with you here."


"Steve, I need your help." Pietro walked into where Steve was talking with Wanda.

"Morning to you too." Wanda teased, and Pietro messed up her hair; she rolled her eyes and walked out.

"What's up?" Steve asked.

"Have you noticed that (Y/N) is nowhere to be found?" Pietro said.

"Now that you bring it up, where are they?"  He asked.

"I do not know. I have already checked their favorite places, and they are not there. Or anywhere in the facility. I am worried." Pietro sighed.

"Hmm, I wonder. What did you need my help for?"

"I was wondering if you had any ideas." Pietro told Steve, but before Steve got a chance to reply, they heard a scream from outside.

"Wanda!" Pietro yelled, running outside, only to find Wanda kneeling on the ground with her hand over her mouth and whatever she was holding on the ground next to her. Steve came running out in a second.

"Oh my gosh, I bet that's where (Y/N) is." Steve whispered.

Part of the grass and outside lounge was on fire, in the shape of the Hydra symbol. If that isn't a sign, then what is?

"Steve,  I need a list of every known HYDRA location. I am going to find (Y/N)." He said.

"I'm on it. Tony!" Steve yelled as he ran back into the facility.


Pietro had checked over half of the known locations of HYDRA bases. Even some of the old, abandoned ones. No luck.

Speed was on Pietro's side, though. He was able to run through a base and determine if you were there in seconds, then move onto the next.

It did take him two days, though.

In the two days you were there, they hadn't done much to you except to try to get information from you. They were giving Pietro a chance to come to the base.

When he finally found it, he was relieved.

You saw agents begin to fall and stay down outside of the room you were in.

"Here's where it gets fun." The guy in charge said.

"Pietro, slow down!" You yelled, but the guy who kept you quiet put his hand over your mouth.

Pietro didn't hear you. He ran into the room at full speed, and when he saw you, he didn't slow down.

You shook your head as much as you could, but it wasn't enough. Pietro fell into the trap. The six-foot hole only a few feet away from you.

"You see, Maximoff, this is what I call revenge. We've got your love, and you! We learned a thing or two about brainwashing, you know? You're back where you belong." The guy looked down into the hole.

All you heard was Pietro's laugh. "You see, this is funny. This is very funny, because with my time with the Avengers, I have learned how to do things even more flawless and fast." And in a second, you were untied in Pietro's arm, at the front of the room.

"Like, running up walls in small spaces and this special skill called breaking rope." He smiled.

"Maximoff!" The man yelled.

"Catch me if you can." Pietro smirked and ran you out of the HYDRA base, back to the Avengers facility.


As soon as you got back to the facility with Pietro, you were checked to make sure they didn't do anything to you. He hated HYDRA, and if they hurt you, they'd have hell to pay.

The few people in the room thought you were asleep because of all that's happened. Your friends were just watching you.

"You know, we all could have gone after them. What if HYDRA did get to you?" You heard Steve's voice.

Pietro sighed. "It would have taken too long; they would have done something."

"You have a crush." Natasha said.

"I do not know what you are talking about." Pietro said.

"He so does!" Natasha squealed. "Quick, wake (Y/N) up!"

"No, no, let them sleep." Steve said. "I'm going to go get food. Nat, come with me."

Natasha groaned, and the door shut. "Hey, Piet..." You whispered.

"Yes? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asked.

"I have a crush on you, too." You smiled.


Two weeks later and you still weren't allowed out of his sight. He told you he wasn't watching you, but you knew he was. He was with you everywhere you went, and maybe that had the fact to do that you two started dating, but you still think it's because of the HYDRA thing.

"I guess you will never know." Wanda laughed.

You gave her a puppy face. "Can't you just, look into his mind?"

Wanda gave you a weird look and laughed. "He's my brother."

"So?" You asked.

She groaned. "Fine, I already have."

"Tell me, tell me, tell me!" You pleaded.

She shut her mouth and looked down at her feet. "What?" You asked, clueless.

"She better not say a word." Pietro's voice came from behind you. "Because I love you. I don't want to lose you." He said. You smiled and gave him a hug.

"I love you too." You said. "Can we get ice cream?"

"I'll race you to the front door!" He yelled.

"That's not fair!" You complained.

"Come on, catch me!"

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