Is There Somewhere - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 1275
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers
Warnings: Saucy lyrics but nothing detailed
Requested by anon
Summary: Based on Is There Somewhere by Halsey, you are a well-known spy working for another company. When the Avengers outsource their needs, you meet and connect with someone you didn't expect.
Author's Note: I took these lyrics a bit literal but I think it works and I like this!



You set your laptop, backpack, and sunglasses in the room you'd be living in for the next few days. It was clear that the person you were sharing a room with had not arrived yet, and you were okay with that. You didn't really want to work with this other team anyway; you would have been fine on your own.

Being a top-notch spy has its advantages, but it also meant that the people you worked for could send you into whatever, whenever, and with whoever. And this time, it just so happened that you were joining some of The Avengers on a mission. And you had to share a room with one of them.

You pulled out your laptop and set it up on the bed, and put your backpack with a few pairs of clothes off to the side of the room. Once opening up your map and "spy tech" to make sure you were prepared for anything thrown at you, you decided that there wasn't much else you could do until the people you were working with arrived. So, to make good use of this hotel room, you shut your programs and opened up your music. Selecting a random song, you began to dance around the room without a care in the world.

A few songs passed when you heard the door slam shut. "Wow, I had no idea my new partner was going to be such a good dancer." The boy with white hair smiled.

You quickly dropped your arms to your side, forced your smile away, and walked over to the bed to shut down the music program. "Sorry about that. I was expecting a knock." You fiddled with your fingers.

The boy smiled and set down his bag with a smirk. "Yeah, I got a key from the desk."

"I forgot about that." You laughed at yourself. "Oh, sorry, I'm-"

"I know, (Y/N), we've been talking about asking you to join us on a mission for a while now." He told you. "Really glad you could finally join us."

"Finally?" You asked. You had only been told that you needed help on a mission your team was assigned with, and now you're finding out that it's not even your mission?

"Yeah, we had been trying to contact your agency for a week now; you've been kinda busy." He shrugged.

"I guess." You replied. "I never asked your name-"

"I'm Pietro Maximoff; nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand quickly to shake yours.


Things definitely progressed quickly.

You had a meeting with the other team that involved Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and your new roommate, Pietro. The four of you talked of plans on how to go about this mission and get the information you needed from the enemy. This involved you showing them what you had on the enemy (which wasn't much), and they told you what they knew. You also showed them what a spy like you is capable of. That meeting took up most of the night, not leaving much time for any actual action, but tomorrow is a new day.

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