Sweet Sass - Sam Wilson x Reader

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Words: 907
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Reader
Featuring: Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner
Warnings: passing out
Requested by anon
Summary: You have the power of super aiming, like Clint, and one other power unlike any other hero. It's getting scarier as more Avengers discover it.
Author's Note: I'm not sure how I came up with this "power" but it definitely intrigues me! Kinda reminds me of how Martians (from DC) can read minds and share their memories.



You were supposed to be the best aim on the team, maybe even better than Clint. But for some reason, today you were out of it. You were off more than ever, and you missed most targets. You were giving yourself a hard time and wanted to sit in a closet and cry.

You couldn't concentrate. You were beyond distracted with your mind clogged with all of Steve's memories and past, and how you had to tell him what happened to you. Even if it did happen three days ago, it was something that wouldn't leave your mind.

You continued to practice. You had to get those thoughts to leave your head so you could work on training and hopefully get back out on the field. Steve made you stay back from the recent missions since the last time you talked to Steve, you passed out.

You aimed for the targets again, missing half of them. "Dammit!" You groaned and sat on the floor, "How much worse can I get? I'm supposed to never miss!" You grumbled to yourself.

"Start giving yourself a little more credit," You heard Sam walk into the training room. "You're trying," You turned around and saw a smirking Sam Wilson walking to where you were sitting on the floor.

"What do you want, Sam?" You asked as you turned your head to look back at the targets you missed in shame.

"Why do you avoid me?" Sam sat down close next to you, and you scooted yourself a little bit away, so he wasn't even close to touching you.

"It's not just you..." Your voice drifted off as you looked away from Sam.

"Then what is it?" Sam tried to reach for your hand, but you quickly pulled it away, afraid to come in contact.

You sighed, "Cap really didn't tell you?"

"I guess not?" Sam gave you a confused look, very interested in what you had to say.

"Oh," You started, "Then it doesn't matter," You finished and went to stand up.

"Wait," Sam grabbed your hand, "What's wrong?"

Your eyes went wide, and your jaw dropped. "Oh, Sam," You started, "What have you done?"

You fell to the floor, your eyes shut, and your body limp. Luckily, Sam caught you, so there was no injury, but he was terrified. He picked you up and ran out of the training room, yelling for help.

"What happened?" Clint came running up to you and Sam.

"I-I don't know!" Sam yelled, "All of a sudden, they passed out!"

"Come on, let's get them to the lab," Clint instructed, and the two rushed to find Tony and Bruce.

Once to the lab, you were set on a recovery bed, and Bruce started to evaluate what was going on. Your breathing was fine, your eyes were responsive, and your heart rate was regular. "I have no idea why they're out cold," Bruce sighed, "I guess we just have to wait until they wake up."

"That's all you got?" Sam's head whipped to where Bruce was, "Seriously? You're a doctor!"

"This is unlike any case I've seen," Bruce explained.

"Isn't there any way we can wake them up? Or at least try to?" Sam was asking questions in hopes it would give Bruce some ideas, but none came. "I swear, I care too much about them to risk losing them! I better not lose them over something stupid!" Sam was getting angrier but was stopped by Steve walking into the room.

"What is going on?" Steve asked, making everyone get quiet. But when he looked around the room, his question was answered when he saw you. "Oh, dear," Steve sighed and walked over to the side of your bed.

"(Y/N) said you knew something!" Sam pointed to Steve, "What happened to them?"

Steve took a deep breath, "Did you grab their hand?"

Sam slowly nodded, worried about what might happen to you. "What's going on?"

"They just recently revealed their power to me," Steve started, "And to quickly sum it up, whenever they touch someone's hand, they can see their complete history."

Sam's jaw dropped, "They pass out as they revisit every memory I've ever had?" Sam whispered and looked back over to you with a frown- he was worried about what you might see.

Steve nodded, "Happened to me three days ago."

"That's why they avoid me and stop me from touching them," Sam sighed.

"They avoid everyone in fear of their power activating," Steve explained.

Sam was unaware of how much time passed when you woke up, but when you did, his smile grew. He was so happy that you were awake and okay. But when he saw your eyes, he saw shock.

"S-Sam?" You choked out of your mouth.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?" You repeated, sure that someone told Sam what happened, "You've been through so much..."

Sam nodded but walked closer to you, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Where's my sassy Sam Wilson?" You raised an eyebrow, trying to lighten the mood. All the memories of Steve left your mind, and Sam's memories took over, but his past was fascinating too.

It only made you like him more.

"I guess in times like these, the sass has to leave, and the sweet gets to come out," Sam smiled, and you sat up, "I've wanted to do this for a while..." Sam whispered, and slowly leaned in to kiss you.

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن