Equally Matched- Natasha Romanoff x Reader

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Words: 1117
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Featuring: Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: sparring, crying
Requested by anon
Summary: As a new member to the team, you're still finding your place in the Avengers. Falling for Nat may make things a bit more difficult.
Author's Note: God, I love Nat. Also, I headcanon her as Bi so, ye :D



"Don't be afraid to hit me," Natasha told you, not losing her stance. "I've taken it all before, and I don't want you to hold your hits against real enemies."

You nodded, still afraid to hurt her. You didn't know her that well, and you were sure you were nowhere near her level of skill. You were ready to go again, and in a second, you were down on the ground. She beat you again.

"You're still holding back," Natasha extended her hand to help you up, "Come on, let's see what you've got."

"Are you sure?" You stuttered out, still nervous as you were new to the team.

"Honey, I was trained in the Red Room. From what I hear, you were trained in a place almost exactly like it, maybe a little less intense," She started, "Don't hold back."

You nodded, and this time you actually listened. If you wanted to make it on this team, you would have to get rid of your nervousness and drop the act. You couldn't act like this on the field; you would get hurt or die quickly. Taking a deep breath, you got back into a stance with Natasha.

You analyzed how Natasha stood, and your mind came up with every way she could go. She kicked her leg up, aiming for your shoulder. You saw this coming and grabbed her leg before she even touched your arm and pulled the leg back to make her lose her balance. After throwing a few punches onto her arms, she flipped over and was on the floor.

"I was mistaken," Natasha breathed out, "Just as intense as the Red Room."

It was your turn to help her up, "It looks like we're equally matched."

She took your hand with a smile, "Looks like it," Natasha said, "I have a feeling we'll make good friends."


Weeks went by of training with Natasha and working with the team. And the worst thing was that your friendship with the red-headed assassin was getting too far for you; it was you falling in love. And you were scared to accept the fact that she might not feel the same as you.

Groaning, you walked to the common room, where Wanda was. She could tell something was wrong with you and could easily figure it out. But she wanted you to tell her by yourself; that way, you could admit it.

You were beaten up by this; not sure what to do. You were falling in love, but you were scared to tell Natasha. What if she wasn't into you? What if she wasn't into your gender? How awkward that would be...

Wanda could hear you approaching; your thoughts were very loud. You were freaking out, not even sure how to ask Wanda about what to do. It all confused you so much.


"Talk to her," Wanda cut you off, obviously not ready to lecture you.


"Go talk to Natasha and tell her how you feel. Trust me; it will be so much better once you talk to her," Wanda told you.

"How did you know this was about Nat?"

Wanda laughed and pointed to her head, "I can read minds, did you forget?"

"Oh, right," You sighed, trying to find a way out of this. But alas, there seemed to be no way.

"You need to stop freaking out and say something before it eats you alive!" Wanda tried to reason. But before you had any time to react, Natasha was coming around the corner. Before you knew it, Wanda made her way out of the room, leaving you and Natasha alone.

"Hey, Nat," You caught her attention. She was running around, looking for something, and your presence almost slipped her mind. And it would have if you didn't say anything.

"Hi!" She smiled as she continued to run around and dig through couches and chairs.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready for a date, and I can't find my earrings!" She groaned, almost slipping in her heels.

You could hear your heart drop. Your smile faded away, and you lost all confidence. She was getting ready for a date. It was clear she wasn't interested in you if she made plans for a date, you didn't stand a chance now.

"Ah!" She snapped you out of thought, "Found them!"

You nodded, still looking a little upset. "Did you need something?" Natasha raised her eyebrows as she put in her earrings.

Shaking your head, you plastered a fake smile on your face. "It's not important. Have fun on your date," You wished and walked out of the room, your smile dropping again.


Rude, disrespectful, and a horrible person all around.

Natasha made a terrible mistake going on a blind date Tony set up. She set him up with one of the worst guys he possibly could have. He was stuck up, selfish, and barely let her speak!

She would never go on a date with a guy like that again.

Natasha stormed into the base, ready to beat Tony for choosing such a horrible person. But instead of finding Tony laughing his ass off, she found you, sitting in the back of the training room, crying.

She opened the glass door slowly and quietly set her bag down, and took off her heels. Natasha walked towards you carefully, hoping not to scare you. She saw you jump slightly when she called your name, just above a whisper.

You moved your hands away from your face and saw Natasha with a small smile headed your way. "Nat?" You wiped your eyes, "How was your, uh, your date?"

She shook her head, "The worst date I've ever been on, ever. And I've had dates who have tried to kill me."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Shrugging, Natasha put her arm around you. "What's wrong?" She pulled you closer to her.

You took a deep breath. "I think I'm in love."

"Really? That's news!" She smiled. "I didn't know you were with someone."

"I'm not," You confessed; as your eyes met, she realized what you meant.

Natasha's smile grew. "You're afraid the person you're in love with doesn't love you back," She started, getting a nod in response. "Let me tell you something someone once told me. They were equally matched, and I can guarantee you that it works for more than one thing; that stays true."

You two were holding hands, and your tears finally stopped. "Are you sure?"

"If I endured a horrible date and not get to kick Tony's ass, then I best better get a promise for a good date," She laughed, "Can you promise me that?"

"I promise."

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum