Comforting - Peter Parker x Reader

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Words: 1155
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Featuring: May Parker
Warnings: sadness, swearing, some crying
Requested by @casualcolorstarfish
Summary: After finding your boyfriend with someone else, you tell Peter and he comes up with a plan to make you feel better.
Author's Note: so much Peter Parker lately and it's really great



You knocked on Peter's apartment door, almost in tears. You held yourself together as much as you could, your sweatshirt good and hair hiding your eyes.

May answered the door. "Hey (Y/N)!" She smiled. "You here to see Peter?"

You nodded and quietly got a yes out of your mouth, and she quickly let you in, and you walked to Peter's room, knocking on the door before entering.

Peter jumped at the sound of the door opening but quickly noticed it was you. But you looked different; tired, upset, and sad.

He didn't say anything before walking over to you, shut the door as he held you, and walked you over to sit on his bed.

You didn't look up at him.

"What happened?" Peter asked you as he held his hand on your shoulder.

You looked up at him for a second, barely moving your hood to see him, but he saw your red eyes.

"You know you can talk to me..." Peter sighed, moving his hand from your shoulder to grab your hand for reassurance.

You took a deep breath. "I found him...with another person." You said, with all your might, trying to hold yourself together.

It didn't last long. A few tears started to go down your face, and Peter knew that you had found your boyfriend, most likely, kissing someone else. Your boyfriend had seemed too good to be true, and Peter knew it, but you were so happy, so he let it slide.

Peter quickly pulled you into a hug. He pulled your hood back and moved your hair out of your eyes so he could look at you. "Hey, hey, it's going to be okay. He was a jerk anyway and never deserved someone like you." Peter said quietly.

"We had such a good thing going, Peter; I don't know why he chose to end it! And like that!" You were getting angrier at your now ex-boyfriend. You were furious that he wasn't mature enough to talk to you about breaking up and that you had to walk in on something like that. It was horrible.

"He wanted to hurt you," Peter told you. "He realized that you would have taken a normal breakup okay and probably would have gotten over him easily." He explained. "But if he made it hurt by seeing someone else, he knew it would stick with you and remind you about him. But you're too strong for that (Y/N), don't let him get to you. He's just a mean guy who only wants you to suffer."

You nodded slightly. "It just hurts so bad. It makes me think that I'm not good enough..." You sighed.

"No, no," Peter said quickly. "You're more than good enough. You're my best friend, and I would do anything to keep you by my side. You are one of the sweetest and funniest people I know, not to mention awesome and smart." Peter continued to compliment you, trying to cheer you up.

"Thanks, Peter, but I think it's going to take a while for me to come back from this..." You said, wiping your cheeks.

Peter nodded and looked down at his lap. Then, a few seconds later, his head shot up to look at you with a huge smile. "I have an idea!"

"Oh no, what is it?" You asked with a small smile.

"Give me five minutes. Wait outside my room. Then, after five minutes, come in. But make sure you shut the door!" Peter said, grabbing your hand to pull you off the bed and push you out the door.

While you were waiting outside his room, May had seen you. "What are you two doing?" She laughed a bit.

"Peter said he had an idea, and you know how well those usually go." You said back, hiding the feeling that you were still sad inside.

"Of course, be careful. You staying for dinner?" She asked.

"Um, sure." You replied, realizing that it had been five minutes.

"Great!" She smiled and started to walk away. "Have fun!"

You smiled back at her, and as soon as she was out of sight, you walked back into Peter's room.

When you walked in, his room seemed to be empty, but the window was now open. "Peter? Where are you?"

"(Y/N)!" Was yelled through the window.

"What the hell are you doing, Peter Parker?" You asked quietly.

"I'm cheering you up! Grab my hand." He stuck his hand through the window, which was the only part of him that you could see.

You groaned and grabbed his hand, which he helped you out on the fire escape. It was pitch black out there; you couldn't even tell that Peter was in front of you if it weren't for his voice.

"What are we doing out here? It's freezing." You were pretty sure he had gone insane.

"Come on, tell me you haven't dreamt of doing this," Peter said.

"Doing what?"

"Flying." And before you could say anything more, Peter had your arms wrapped around him and his around you, and you two were off the ground.

"Peter!" You screamed.

"Shh, it's fun!" He laughed as you two landed on another roof. Now, there was light, and you could see Peter fully clothed in his Spider-Man getup. When you had first found out, you wanted to know all about what he does, and he really didn't want to talk about it much in fear that you would judge him.

"I thought you never wanted me to speak of this again." You sighed with a smile.

"But look at all the cool upgrades! Now I'm less embarrassing!" He gestured all over his suit.

"I thought I was going to die when we left the ground!" You slapped his arm.

"But you didn't." He said, pointing his finger at you.

"May's cooking dinner. We should go back." You told him.

Peter shrugged. "It'll take her a while. Come on, let's get your mind off of everything, and have some fun!" He said, extending his hand out.

You sighed and looked over the edge of the building, realizing how far up you two were. "Fine." You smiled and grabbed his hand. He pulled you closer to him, and your arms went around his waist, as did one of his around yours.

He put out his other hand and shot a web to another building. "Hold on." At least he warned you this time, and you two went flying.

When you arrived back at the apartment, Peter had to quickly change back into his normal outfit and get ready for dinner. May noticed how messed up both your and Peter's hair was.

"So, what did you guys do?" May asked.

"Oh, we raced down the fire escape and down the street a few times. It's windy out there." Peter covered up.

"Mhm." May smiled.

"Yeah, for the record, I beat him every time."

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