Avoid - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Words: 957
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Clint Barton
Warnings: swearing
Requested by anon
Summary: You are shy, and a bit nerdy, which causes you to think you can't be with your crush. Everyone else believes differently.
Author's Note: I'm shy and nerdy so this was relatable to me tbh



"Hey, (Y/N)!" Pietro smiled when he walked into the common room where you were camping the GameStop site to preorder a new game.

"Oh, h-hey Pietro," You said quietly.

"What's up?"

"Nothing," You nervously smiled as you turned your computer away from him. You tried your hardest not to look at him; you really didn't want to blush or not be able to look away from him.

"What are you looking at?" Pietro moved closer to where you were seated on the couch, trying to peer at what was on your computer.

"Oh...you know, just looking over some reports for Tony..." You lied.

"Oh, that sounds boring. Do you want to go do something? I'm thinking, Paris." Pietro smiled as he moved his hands outward like the city name would pop up between his hands.

"Wow, that sounds like fun." You said, trying not to embarrass yourself.

"Doesn't it?" He smiled. "Wanna join me?"

You looked at your computer to see the countdown get closer to zero. "Looks like... Steve needs my help." You stuttered out.

"I thought you were helping Tony?" Pietro had a confused tone.

"Yep, bye!" You grabbed your computer and ran out of the room to hide away, leaving Pietro sitting there, confused and a bit upset.


"I am such an embarrassment." You threw a pillow on top of your face.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" Tony sighed; it would be so much easier if you actually listened to him. 

You rolled your eyes. "We've been over this."

"It's Pietro. How high are his standards?"

"Well, it's definitely not someone like me." You groaned.

"I still don't understand why you're afraid he won't date you." Tony shrugged as he pulled out his works in progress to look over. Multitasking.

"Do you just not listen to me?"

Tony shrugged. "Usually, when it comes to relationships, I'm not one to be super into it."

"Listen this time, alright?" Your friend was beginning to annoy the daylights out of you.

"Yeah, sure." He looked back at the papers.

You snatched the papers from him and sat up to talk. "I have come up with a list of all the good and bad things that could happen by asking Pietro out. Some followed by explanations."

"Oh, great." Tony laughed. He really did want the best for you but sometimes thought that your reasonings for not doing stuff could be a bit stupid.

"Fine, I'll tell you the main points." You sighed. You began to tell Tony a few things that just sounded crazy to him. "Personalities- I'm so nerdy, and he's just not." You said, which caused Tony to chuckle. "I'm super shy; he isn't. He's way more out there."

"These just sound like ways to bullshit yourself into not talking to him." Tony shook his head with a slight smile on his face.

"I mean, look at me! It's basically wrong to want to be with him!" You told Tony. In your mind, you had convinced yourself that it was wrong to like Pietro- so wrong. You tried to get yourself interested in other people, but your mind would always return to Pietro. "They're nothing like Pietro." "Pietro has a shirt like that." Your mind always found its way back to the Sokovian boy.

"Maybe try talking to Wanda about it, see what she thinks of this whole thing?" Tony offered.

"I feel like I would creep Wanda out by asking her questions about her brother." You mumbled.

"She can read minds; you know that, right?" Tony laughed.

"Yeah, but I don't want to actually confront her about it."

"Then, kid, I don't know how else to help you."


"What's got you so messed up today?" Clint sat next to you at the kitchen bar.

You shrugged. "Boy troubles."

"Oh dear, what happened?" He smiled.

"I like this guy, yeah? But I don't see it ever happening. I'm too shy and scared to talk to him...plus, it just seems so wrong to like him. But my mind won't stay off of his name."

Clint laughed and got up to get a soda. "Sounds like you got it bad." He pulled out a can and popped it open. "Who is it?"

"You'll laugh." You looked down and shook your head.

"I've heard a lot; I won't laugh." Clint took a drink.

"Okay, fine." You gave in. When it came to talking, convincing you was the easy part. Unless it was about talking to the guy you liked. "I'm pretty sure I like Pietro, and it makes me sound so young and stupid. But my mind won't go away from the thought of him!"

"Yeah?" Clint asked. "So, then, what's the problem?"

"He's just so funny and sarcastic, and I love it." You started to gush. "He's also very energetic, and that's adorable. But it would never work it; it's wrong for me to like him."

"Who told you that?" You heard an accented voice behind you.

"Shit." You looked up to see Clint walking out of the room with a smug look on his face.

You turned around slowly and put your hand on your neck when you saw Pietro. "Sorry, you weren't supposed to hear that."

"Do you really think you can't be with me?" Pietro looked hurt. You didn't reply but began to play with your hands, not looking at him.

He walked over to where you sat. "You're oblivious." He laughed.

"What do you mean?" You looked up at him.

"If it's wrong to like me, then I guess I'm in the same boat." Pietro smiled, and he leaned down to kiss you. "Would you stop avoiding me now?" He smiled at you after the two of you parted.

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