Little Push - Steve Rogers x (f)Reader, Uncle!Banner & (f)Reader

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Words: 1485
Pairing: Steve Rogers x (f)Reader, Uncle!Banner & (f)Reader

Featuring: Tony Stark

Warnings: swearing, explosion, fighting

Requested by anon
Summary: As the shy niece to Dr. Banner, you tend to be very quiet. But as the smartest one around, you are faced with a lot of projects. When your crush comes to ask for your help, things go awry.

Author's Note: Fluff fluff fluff! Shy!Reader, she/her pronouns used since the request specified niece.



You sat at your desk silently, along with pulling out your notes quietly and even typing in your computer password without a noise.

"Shit!" Tony jumped back when he turned around. "You scared me; I didn't hear you come in."

When he walked into the lab, Bruce laughed, "You seriously aren't used to that yet?" He questioned and walked over to where you were, "She's been working here for how long, and you still haven't accepted the fact that she's very quiet?"

"I just don't get it," Tony shrugged, "You're their uncle and partially pretty out there with the green guy; you just seem even extra quiet," Tony shrugged, not really sure how to explain it.

You nodded, "I guess I'm just quiet," You smiled as you started to work. You were trying to come up with a way to bring a special ex-speedster's powers back.

Tony peeked over to what you were working on, "She's going to take your job one day, Bruce."

"Or your whole company?" Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"Probably that too," Tony started, "I mean, she's so close to figuring it all out!"

You shook your head, "All that matters is if it works to bring back his speed."

"Eh, would it really kill him if he had to walk everywhere?" Tony smirked and took a sip of his coffee as he sat down at his desk and started to look over some reports.

Before you could even take another breath or Tony could make another snarky reply, Steve walked into the lab. You quickly closed what you were working on to ensure he didn't see what you were doing. You were almost sure that he would talk to Bruce or Tony, but he stopped in front of your desk.

You looked up hesitantly, "H-hey Steve," You pushed your hair around until you were comfortable with the way it looked, "What's up?"

"I need your help. Are you busy?" Steve asked you with a smile clear on his face.

"She said she was working on something," Bruce spun his chair around, "Can Tony or I help?"

"No, I need (Y/N)'s help on this; I know she can help me," Steve started, "Sorry, Bruce. Sorry Tony, but this job just isn't meant for you," He sighed, "No offense."

"None taken, as Bruce said, she's going to take my company one day," Tony smiled and went to walk out of the room, "Good luck getting 'em to say six words, though."

Steve laughed, "Thanks," He turned to you, "So, are you up to helping me?"

"Sure," You nodded and looked down at your hands when you fiddled your fingers, afraid to make eye contact with Steve, "What's the problem?"

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang