Flustered - Clint Barton x Reader

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Words: 1433
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Featuring: Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Maximoff Twins
Warnings: swearing, drinking, kidnapping/experimenting
Requested by @sexymackstan
Summary: You're a SHIELD agent and Avenger, a talented combat fighter. You work closely with Fury and are best friends with Clint. Once night, you drink a little too much and spill your crush. How does Clint react when HYDRA gets in the way?
Author's Note: Tbh have not written too much Clint, but this was fun. For the record comic clint>



"Watch yourself, Barton." You smirked as Clint walked past you.

"I think I'm good; you should stay out of my way." Clint smiled back at you.

"Stop messing around." Fury said to both of you. "You have a mission."

"Yeah, but we're still waiting for Nat to show up." You shrugged.

"Where is Natasha?" Clint asked.

"Right here." Natasha said as she walked in. "The rest of the team is waiting at the jets; let's get going." She said, and the two of you followed.

This was a mission fit for all the Avengers, which you were a part of. Sure, you weren't a good shot like Clint or a mad scientist like Tony, but you like to think that being able to fight as an assassin was pretty cool too.

The mission was to find out HYDRA's plans. And once the base with the information was found, the Avengers weren't going to waste a second.

This base was more guarded than any other HYDRA base you guys have been to. It was obvious that the stuff inside was important; you had to get inside.

You were getting closer to getting inside, but the agents kept coming, one after another. You had managed to fight enough off to let Pietro and Stark get inside to find a way to get to the important stuff.

The amount of agents was easily getting overwhelming, and one had hit at your feet and caused you to fall to the ground.

You groaned but quickly got back up on your feet. Only then were you surrounded by more agents, ready to take you down. They clearly saw you as an important threat, which might have been boosting your ego a bit.

"Need some help?" Clint smiled at you when he lowered himself from the roof into the circle of agents.

You smiled back. "Never needed your help, but we can take these guys out easier if you, just, shoot." You told him, causing Clint to chuckle.

You two connected arms, and you spun him around on your back as he shot down every agent.

"This is why you two make a good team." Natasha ran up behind you two after all the agents fell to the ground.

You flipped your hair. "I'm the better side of the team."

"Sure." Clint rolled his eyes.


After Tony and Bruce had looked over a bit of the HYDRA information, Tony called that it was time for a party.

You loved Stark parties. It was an excuse to drink, and there was always someone to talk to, even if you didn't know them.

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