Superpower (1/4) - Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader

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Words: 1147
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x (f)Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: character death, revival, grief, pregnant reader
Requested by @sexymackstan
"You're a scientist for the Avengers, you're also Pietro's wife, When you felt his death, you became someone you didn't know, the grieving widow. Wanda appreciated you for giving him a life.. She knew something was off, now you had to take care of yourself and of course the kids growing inside of you. A few years had gone by and you weren't ready to move on.. you tried, but no one ever came close to Pietro... One night you felt this person in your room, it was Pietro.. he was alive and home.."
Summary: Working with the Avengers can be tough, and as a scientist with Tony, you're always busy. When you meet the new recruits, you're already interested in one. When he comes back almost dead, you're there to help, but can your smarts save him twice?
Author's Note:  I actually really like this, it's kinda cute :)

Dragoste = Love



You had never officially seen the boy's face in real life. You had seen it through photos when Maria Hill looked the enhanced up, and imagines them through given descriptions before that. It was weird, the night you all met.

"I'm going to say this once," Cap said, with the Maximoff twins standing behind him.

You were standing closer to Tony, trying to make sure that this wouldn't break out into another Cap vs. Iron Man fight again. It didn't work, though; you were mesmerized by the boy Maximoff. He looked so much different seeing him face to face.

After the Vision became a thing, a plan soon broke out on what would happen next.

"I did not know someone of this beauty would be an Avenger." The boy Maximoff came up behind you as you were clicking through your computer.

You jumped when you heard his voice. "What do you mean?" You asked him, sticking your phone into your pocket.

"You look like an angel. Is that your power?" He, Pietro, asked you.

You laughed a bit and shook your head. "Oh, I don't have any powers."

"What are you talking about?" Tony called from the other side of the room. "Of course you do!"

"What? Tony, you're weird." You said, pretty-almost-one-hundred-percent-sure you didn't have powers.

"You're one of the two best scientists I know!" Tony said. "That's your superpower. Science."

"Who's the other scientist?" You asked.

"Banner." Tony shrugged.

Bruce cut in on the conversation. "Oh, no, she's much better than me."

The way you and Pietro met was weird, but you're glad it happened that way. It developed a sense of humor between the two of you to joke about being the best scientist to live, and it established a reason to talk more.

When going into the battle of Sokovia and Pietro came out with bullets in him; no one thought he would live through it. And when you received a call from your new friend, Wanda, that he was shot pretty badly, you decided to pull out your secret project.

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن