Listen - Bucky Barnes x Reader

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Words: 1059
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Featuring: briefly steve and tony
Warnings: none
Requested by anon
Summary: On a mission, you fall into a trap and tell Bucky to leave and save himself, but does he listen?
Authors Note: The prompt was "What part of don't come back for me didn't you understand, you idiot?"  answered with "I'm not as smart as I look." I love this one!



"Bucky," You told him, trying to get his attention.

"I'll get you out of this!" Bucky yelled.

"No, you can't." You told him, but he didn't look at you. "Bucky, go."

"I can't just leave you here!" Bucky argued.

"You have to. I'll be fine, I promise." You grabbed his arm.


"Go to the quinjet. Get back to the facility. Don't come back for me." You told him.

As you and Bucky ran in the forest from HYDRA agents, you fell into a trap; a hole in the ground. How did you even manage to fall for that? But alas, there was no way to get you out. At least, not with Bucky around.

"But, I can't leave you."

"Go." You told him, "I'll be okay."

"Alright..." Bucky said and slowly let go of your hand.

Bucky walked away. You knew that agents would be checking traps soon, and you came up with two solutions.

One: Let the agents get you and try to kill them all off and escape.

Two: Try to conjure up your hidden enhancement.

There were flaws with each of these plans. If you chose to let the agents come to you, maybe they would knock you out before you could take any out. Or they would call for backup. Or there would just be too many to get rid of.

But if you chose the other one, you'd risk getting hurt by not having used this power before. You also risked your team and enemies finding out about it.

But considering that the second one was less risky, you chose that one.

You closed your eyes and put your hands together. You took a deep breath and started to focus. You brought this power up a lot, but it always seemed to hurt.

You screamed to get your power-up. It was getting easier.

Considering where you were trained, you knew what you were doing. You looked up and guided yourself to fly. But of course, in the scarce of the moment, you shot way further up into the air than intended.

When you landed on your ground, you didn't stick the landing on your feet. Just your luck, you'd fall. At least you didn't hurt yourself.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Bucky yelled.

You groaned and fell back onto the ground. Bucky came through the trees with Steve and Tony. "Did you see that?" Tony asked Steve.

You groaned when Bucky stood over you. "What part of 'don't come back for me' didn't you understand, you idiot?"

Bucky smiled. "I'm not as smart as I look." He reached his hand out to help you up.

"You just don't listen ." You said and didn't take his hand to stand up.

You started to walk in the direction of the quinjet. "Hey, what's going on?" Bucky asked.

"I told you I could take care of myself. And not to come back! But what did you do? You came back." You rolled your eyes.

"I, I told you I couldn't leave you," Bucky said. "And I knew if I wanted to get you it of there, I was going to need help."

"Well, I got out of there all by myself." You shrugged; the jet was now in view.

"Yeah, was that you who shot in the air?" Bucky asked.

You glanced at him. "No, it was a HYDRA agent." You answered sarcastically. "Yes, it was me!"

"But, but how? You flew?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. It just happened." You told him.

"Stop lying," Bucky said.

Your head snapped over to look at him. "What tells you I'm lying?"

"You don't just not know about something like that," Bucky said.

You sighed. "Whatever. I just don't know, okay. Maybe it was something with my family." You crossed your arms as you walked onto the jet.


When everyone got back to the facility, you went right back to your room. You were still mad at Bucky. You could take care of yourself, and you really didn't want him to talk to you about what he saw.

It seemed as soon as that thought crossed your mind, there was a knock at your door. "Hey, (Y/N), can I talk to you?" Speak of the devil; there was Bucky.

You mumbled, and the door opened; he shut it behind him. "I wanted to apologize..."

"For?" You looked at him.

"I got on your nerves earlier," Bucky said. "I knew you could take care of yourself, but I was just worried of, of-"

"What?" You hurried along.

"Of losing you."

That made you flinch. He was scared of losing you? That's new.

You opened your mouth to say something, maybe even tell him what you've been trying to tell him. But before you could even get a word out, Bucky walked closer to you and kissed you. It wasn't rough or needy; it was a sweet, small kiss.

He pulled away fairly quickly. "I... sorry." Bucky sighed. "I just had to make sure I did that in case something were to happen to either of us."

You smiled at him. "Bucky."

"I shouldn't have done that." He grabbed at his hair.

"Hey, Bucky," You called again.

"I'm so sorry; I'll be going now-"

"Buck!" You said, finally catching his attention. "Wow, you really need to learn to listen."


"I'm glad you did that." You told him.

"You, you are?" He stuttered.

"You really don't remember, do you?"

"What don't I remember?"

"You asked me how I was able to fly." You sighed. "We were at HYDRA at the same time."

"W-what?" What seemed like the only word that he could say.

"You didn't listen to many people there, either." You laughed a bit.

"Sure." Bucky sighed. "Did we talk a lot? I don't remember much from those days; I try to block them out."

"I saw you right after I was found and brought there. But as soon as I was given a chance to go out into the world, I escaped." You told him. "But we knew each other."

"Maybe that's why I felt I knew you," Bucky said. "I always thought we'd be good together." He smiled.

"What, because I was forced to work for HYDRA?" You raised an eyebrow.

"No, I felt a connection." Bucky rolled his eyes jokingly. "Maybe you should listen more."

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