Safe Place - Avengers x Reader

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Words: 732
Pairing: Avengers x Reader
Featuring: Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton
Warnings: sad, reader feeling depressed
Requested by @mychemicaltimewar
Summary: After a tough mission, you feel down and not wanting to celebrate. Your teammates worry about you and want to cheer you up.
Author's Note: A shorter fic, but I still think it's a good pick-me-up!



Everyone was laughing and having a good time: cracking jokes and smiling, taking photos, and attempting karaoke.

You weren't doing any of it, though. And it felt as if no one noticed or even cared.

You weren't feeling good. Not like you were sick, but you weren't feeling good inside your head.

During the mission that everyone was celebrating about, you had it in your mind that you did horrible. You had got taken down to the ground by a few agents and had to be saved by Tony and Steve. It was embarrassing.

You were anything but celebrating. You couldn't stop worrying and thinking about what happened, and you couldn't stop thinking that no one cared.

You began to sink deeper and deeper into that horrible feeling. You continued to get quieter and more reserved, and your mind never seemed to shut up.

The whole day continued to run through your head, and you continued to beat yourself up over it.

You were so consumed in your thoughts that you didn't notice Steve mention to Tony that you were strangely quiet. Or Tony mentioning to Clint that something seemed off. Or even Natasha trying to talk to you.

As the day played over and over through your head, you decided you couldn't take being with everyone who was happy, and you stood up. A few of your friends questioned what you were doing, but you didn't seem to hear them.

You ran off to where the library was near the facility to hide and try to regain your normal thoughts. Libraries always seemed like a safe place to go; being surrounded by books was a good way to calm down.

So that's what you did. You ran into the library and sat in the corner, hugging your knees as you tried to clear your thoughts.

"Does anyone know what happened?" Steve asked carefully.

"I have no idea..." Clint added. "But they had been acting upset since we started celebrating."

"Did something happen on the run today?" Natasha added in.

Tony gasped. "We had to save them..."

"I forgot about that!" Steve yelled. "They must be worrying."

Natasha was a bit confused. "Why would they worry about that? We all have to cover each other on missions. It's normal to help someone."

Tony shrugged. "It just happens."

"Where would they go?" Clint asked, not really paying attention to what everyone was saying; he was just trying to figure out how to help.

Everyone went quiet for a bit and thought of places to check, and all of them came up with the library.

And they guessed right. The four of them walked into the library, carefully, ready to confront you and make sure you were okay.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Steve sat down next to you. "Do you want to talk?"

You shook your head, not knowing what you would even say. "We're here for you, don't forget that, okay?" Natasha added in as she sat on the edge of an end table in front of you.

No response from you. "Out on the field, we have each other's backs, and off the field- we do too," Tony told you.

You nodded. Clint knelt next to you, too. "I hope you know we weren't ignoring you up there; we were trying to figure out if you were okay or not..." He said, and you nodded again slightly. "Do you want to talk to us?"

You shrugged. "I just feel like I dragged the team down today."

"Not at all." Steve smiled. "By Tony and I coming over to you, we were able to take out even more guys than originally planned, so it all worked out!"

"Plus, we still have you with us. Taking out those guys was just an extra bonus." Tony added.

You smiled and took a deep breath. As you continued talking with the four of them, you started to feel better. Having your friends around, and talking to them about this, really seemed to help. And it was nice to know that they were there.

The rest of the night was spent hiding in the library: all five of you. You guys all joked about, whether it was about one of the books near you or just random, stupid little things. It was nice, and it was much better than celebrating with drinking, and staying in the base all night.

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