Cross (3/6) - Avengers x Reader x Justice League

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Words: 1483
Pairing: Avengers x (f)Reader
Featuring: DC characters
Warnings: I honestly can't remember I'm sorry
Summary: After figuring out who the strangers are, there is a discovery of how they got here. Looks like they're staying for a bit.
Authors Note: Beware flash and green arrow are so ooc but idek anymore


Superman- Clark Kent
Batman- Bruce Wayne
Green Lantern- Hal Jordan
Martian Manhunter- J'onn J'onzz (John Jones?)
The Flash- Barry Allen
Green Arrow- Oliver Queen
Black Canary- Dinah (Laurel) Lance
Wonder Woman- Princess(?) Diana

"How did you manage..." Steve looked at the list.

"Vision decided to help." You smiled, and Steve cocked an eyebrow. "Okay, my powers went out of control again, and Vision felt it. That Clark guy shot lasers out of his eyes to escape, but Vision stopped him, and they saw that we could beat them, so I made them give their names." You smiled.

"Good job, kid."

"Did you get anything out of clown guy?" You asked.

"He goes by The Joker. And the girl is Harley Quinn." Steve told you when he set the notebook down.

"I've never heard of any of these people." You said. "It's like they're not even from here."

"(Y/N)!" Bruce and Tony came running in. "You'll never believe what we discovered!"

"What did you discover?" You asked.

"When your powers went crazy the other day, we had your suit on to track what was going on in your body. And now that it's been a few days, we were able to look into it!" Tony said.

"So, what happened?" Steve asked.

"For a split second, (Y/N) went off the map, and she crossed over two universes! She brought all those people that we're holding captive, here, to our world. It's amazing!" Bruce celebrated.

"Wait, what you're saying is, is that I crossed over dimensions and brought all those people here?" You asked. "In a matter of seconds?!"

"Yes! This is amazing! A scientific revolution!" Bruce shouted.

"No, no, this is bad." You started to worry.

"So these people actually are superheroes? Just from their world?" Steve asked, and Tony nodded fast.

"Isn't it amazing!"

"No! It's horrible!" You said louder.

"Why?" All three of them asked.

"I don't know how to get them back! I don't even know if I can! Plus, what if I brought more people- like, bad people? I'm pretty sure that clown guy is bad; what if there's more?" You worried.

"Well, right now, we don't know that. All we know is how cool this is!" Tony cheered.

"We should probably tell our captives what's going on..." Bruce said, quietly.

"I'll go talk to them." You said, and the three nodded.


"Now that you understand, well kinda, you have to stay here, okay?" You asked the group, and they all agreed.

"I think it's our best idea to stay here since we don't exactly know where we are." Superman dude said.

"Great, then until I can control my power enough, you'll stay in the facility with us. We have everything you could ever need here." You told them.

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن