Chapter 3: First Day On Ouran

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I woke up with the sun hitting my eyes. I didn't close the curtains. Gah!

I groaned as I sat up. Today, is the first day of school. I'm nervous but at least I'll be able to see Haruhi again. I hope she didn't tell anyone about my secret. Someone knocked on the door.

"Yes?" I asked suddenly realising I still had the letter of yesterday in my hand.

"(Y/N)? It's Kyoya. I'm coming in", Kyoya said as I quickly hid the letter. He then opened the door, I saw that he already has his uniform on.

"You just woke up?" he said sighing,"We're leaving in five minutes. I'll be waiting outside." He exited my room and I grinned. That's the Kyoya I know. I then hurried to the bathroom to take a shower because I stink.


"I'm going to be blind!" I said dramatically. Kyoya shook his head. The uniforms for the girls are horrible, hideous. It was yellow.

Fudging yellow.

If I look longer than five seconds at it, I swear, I'll be blind.

"Don't be so dramatic", Kyoya said rolling his eyes. I huffed and looked out of the window. We passed the stoplight where I saved Haruhi. I can't wait to see her again.

Before I came down the stairs, I burned the letter quickly. The petal... I kept it. I've been thinking all night and five minutes of my morning about it. Maybe, Steven is right. I.H.F. never gave us a reason to trust them either way.

"Ne, onii-chan", I said. He smiled while writing something down in his notebook. I remember that I always called him that when I was younger, but when I turned 10 I thought I was too old for that.
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
He clearly was surprised as his eyes widened and he stopped for a few moments with writing.

"No", he simply said and continued. I smirked. Kyoya is still the same. I was too lost in thought that I didn't notice that we arrived.

"(Y/N), we're here", Kyoya said. I looked up and nodded. Ugh, school. I stepped out and with played my necklace that I got from Viktoria. It was a half-moon with her name on it. She has the same but then with my name on it. Kyoya noticed that I was nervous and took my hand in his. Suddenly, I heard someone say... or more scream:"Kya! Kyoya-senpai!"

I blinked a few times and then a crowd of girls surrounded us. Kyoya plastered a forced smile on his face and waved.

"Good morning, ladies", he said and walked towards the entrance of the school.

"Kyoya-senpai! I'm coming to the club today", a girl scream.

"Please do", Kyoya said. Woah. He is really popular with the girls. And what club? I stepped closer to him and clenched his hand.

"Wait. Who's that?!" some girl yelled.

"Why is she holding Kyoya's hand? Are they dating?"

"No, she's too ugly."

I ignored all those comments and followed Kyoya. He looked down concerned and I just shrugged. He sighed, pulling me with him.
I hate this school already.

Kyoya and I walked down the hall stil holding hands. He asked me if I was alright.

"I'm fine, Kyoya. They're just jealous. I mean, look at me", I said while posing. He held back a laugh. "Besides, you didn't tell me that you're popular with the girls."

"I had no reason to", he replied. I nodded, he probably didn't want to tell his sister who didn't listen to him and who was gone to five years, not to mention that she ran away last night and came back around 1 am.

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