Chapter 30: My Star

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"I'm not getting it. Who is Wanheda?" Léon sat next to Anna on the couch as you all watched Netflix. Léon doesn't really get the 100. He keeps asking questions about everything. Anna groaned.
"Why does she have pink hair?"
All of you groaned. None of you answered and just enjoyed the third season. Beside Anna and Léon, Haru and Marjolein were here too. They were cuddled up next to each other. You, on the other hand, sat in your favourite seat in the house: Kaoru's lap. He didn't mind one bit.

"Can't we just watch Attack on Titan?"
"NO, WE WERE BORN TO SHIP VIKTUURI!" Anna shouted with a fist of triumph in the air. You all started to laugh as Anna and Léon continued to argue what you're going to watch. Kaoru kissed your cheek to get your attention. You faced him smiling.

"I have something for you", he whispered. You nodded as he get up and dragged you out of the room. On your way to...wherever you were going, you bumped into Haruhi.

"Kaoru! Good timing. Could you maybe talk to Hikaru?" she said in a worried tone. Hikaru has been avoiding both of you ever since you chose Kaoru over him. It breaks your heart to see him like this, but you honestly don't know what to do.
Now he spends most of his time in his room. Or he comes out of his hole and avoids you.

"I will. Later. I just... have something planned with (Y/N)", Kaoru said. Haruhi nodded understanding. You both said your goodbyes before walking further down the hall.
Eventually you reached the stairs.

"Can you tell where we are going?" you asked curiously. Kaoru chuckled and pecked your cheek.
"The roof."


The roof of the Amaze building was (I mentioned this in Hikaru's chapter. I'm sorry for being so lazy to write it. If I copy past that part I'm afraid you'll get mad XD) like a garden. There were several flowers which you didn't knew the name of. It made a beautiful scenery with the sun going down. In a couple of months when it will be autumn, you hope it'll still be as an amazing sight.

"It's beautiful", you said as Kaoru led you through the wildflowers to the boulder.
"I thought you'd like it. I found out about it not long ago."
You sat on the boulder in silence for a few minutes, still holding. You could spend the rest of your life easily like this. However, time was passing and you have responsibilities as leader. You may not do a lot right now since Amaze but you still need to make sure they feel safe here and see if they need something. Some still don't trust the organisation.

"So", you finally said. "Why did you bring me here... aside from showing me the view."
Turning towards you, he took both of your hands in his and met your gaze.
"I just wanted to be alone with you. With all the people around it's hard to have some privacy."

You chuckled as he leaned in and kissed you gently. You nearly lost yourself in the kiss. He placed his hands on your hips. Though it killed you, you pulled away slightly.
Kaoru ran one finger along the curve of my cheek. It made you feel special. Cherished. You pressed his hand closer to your face. He leaned in for another kiss and this time you didn't pull away.

You kept thinking you'd get used to it, but it seemed like every time your lips touched the effect got more overwhelming. More intense. More wonderful.

Finally, you separated with a mutual sigh. You leaned your head on his shoulder.
"I was just wondering...", Kaoru said out of nowhere. You looked up at him. "If we were still... engaged... would you... well..."

You were a little taken back by the question. Surely, you didn't think to that yet. It was obvious it's the kind of future you want with him. Just not right now.
"For now, Kaoru", you said with a giggle. "Let's just kiss kiss fall in love."



That was it for Kaoru's chapter. Let me know what you think.

I have bad news and good news.


Don't worry! There will be bonus chapters very soon! Which is the good news!

I just want to thank you all for your support and love
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

💕💕 I never thought I would get this far.


Have a good day!

(Stay tuned for the bonus chapters XDDDD)

Engaged To The Host [Hikaru × Kaoru × Reader] OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now