Chapter 8: You're Not My Sister

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The whole day I've been avoiding everyone except for my older brother. He's been walking me from class to class. I think he noticed that I've been avoiding the twins but I'm grateful he doesn't say anything. 

"Kyoya?" I asked quielty as we walked towards the Host Club. It was almost beggining. He pushed his glasses up his nose and looked at me. "I've been thinking... maybe I should go."

"Go? (Y/N) be more specific", he said crossing his arms. I looked awkwardly at the ground not knowing what to tell him. Yesterday, I've received another letter from Steve. He found out why they killed her.

It seems like one of her friends, Anne, 20 years old and sees her like a sister, started to doubt I.H.F. that's why Aalina started asking questions. Steve is now on his way to Anne who ran away not long ago. I saw her as a traitor, which makes me feel guilty. I could go looking for them and help them. But of course it's risky. 

And this time.

I didn't want to leave without Kyoya knowing about it so I was trying to tell him but so far...

"Well... I mean... travel again", I said stopping in front of the doors to Music Room #3. He didn't say anything for a while but then just opened the doors and walked in with me following him.

"You think father will give you permission?" he asked taking out his stuff and some new albums with pics of the hosts.

"I didn't think of asking his permission."

Kyoya's eyes widened and he looked at me surprised and know shock. "You were not planning to? Don't you want to please our father? I remember you always told me that when you were a kid, (Y/N)."

"Yes, I did. But listen to what you just said. I was a kid then Kyoya.  I didn't knew better", I said looking at him straight in the eyes. I know Kyoya. He always tries to please his father. He plans to outshine his brothers. I always looked up to my big brother so I wanted to do that too. But now...

Then we heard the rest coming in laughing. Haruhi had a big smile on her face which made her brown eyes sparkle. Honey was walking next Haruhi with the big fluffy bunny in his arms. Mori was walking behind them, observing, as usual. But then I saw Kaoru enter we made eye contact for a second but I looked away.

"Ah princess!", Tamaki walked my way grabbed my hand and kissed it. "The whole room lights up when you're here."

"I bet you've been thinking all night to come up with that one", I chuckled. I turned back to Kyoya and before I could open my mouth he cut me off.

"We'll talk about this later", he said and wanted to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

"Don't you dare. We're going to talk about this right here, right now", I ordered and now I got every hosts attention. Kyoya looked down at me and sighed.

"No, everyone is here and I don't want to make a scene."

"Well too late, I already made one."

"(Y/N) I mean it-"

"No", I cut him off,"You don't get it.
I'm the youngest off all Kyoya. I can't do anything to please him anyway. And I tried. I really tried. But he still isn't satisfied."

"That's because you didn't try enough. No, let me rephrase. You don't try, you just have to do it. Besides", he said looking at me suddenly a bit distant and cold,"You've been gone for five years. He even said you weren't his daughter anymore."

I suddenly felt tears in my eyes. Not believing my ears I said quietly:"What... did you say?"

Kyoya's POV

I looked down at my little sister. I saw she was about to cry but I didn't care. She was gone for five years. Five years.

Not letting me know anything. She just left.

I didn't hear a word from her all those years. Now I was finally telling her the truth.

"You heard what I said. And-"

"Don't you dare!" (Y/N) yelled as if she knew what I was about to say.  She finally looked up at me and I saw tears rolling down her face. "Don't say it... you have no idea what I've gone through!"

"Of course I don't!" I yelled back,"You've been gone for five years! Not a word from you! Father didn't even want to tell me!"

Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Mori looked at me with a serious look on his face like always and Honey next to him.

"That's enough, Kyo-chan", Honey said looking almost angry. I shrugged Mori's hand off my shoulder. 

"If you want to go... go then", I said baling my fists.

"Kyoya, please calm down. I'm sure (Y/N)-" I heard Haruhi say but my sister cut her off.

"It's alright Haruhi", (Y/N) said whining her tears away.

"So much drama but can someone", Hikaru started.

"Explain what he means by go?" Kaoru finished. My little sister smiled and sniffed.

"Thank you for finally telling me the truth, Kyoya", she turned to the rest still tears in her eyes,"it was nice to meet you all but my place is not here." She walked towards the door but Haruhi stopped her.

"(Y/N) wait! If you'd just explain...", she said which caught my attention.

"No Haruhi. It'll only get worse. This is something I need to do on my own. It's too dangerous if I stay anyway."

"(Y/N)?" I asked before she closed the door.

"Yes, Onii chan?" she replied hope filled her eyes. And the next thing I'd say...

Was probably the worst mistake I ever made.

"Don't ever come back... and I'm not your brother anymore."

That's when I crushed her last hope. That's when I realized... that I lost her...

My own little sister.

The moment she closed that door.
I knew I'd probably never see her back.




LMAO I love it

Dw this isn't the end. More chapters are coming. End this is not the end for the Host Club.

Kyoya was a bit of a jerk this chapter I know :/

Have a great day!

Engaged To The Host [Hikaru × Kaoru × Reader] OHSHCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat