Chapter 13: Dimples

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Haruhi's POV

"She's moving fast. Is she using her a-" Kaoru cut Hikaru off by putting a hand on his mouth. Kyoya decided to come with us. Which means we need to watch out what we say, as we do need to respect (Y/N). "Well uhm you guys know what I mean."

"I don't think so", I said shaking my head. "She's fast yes but the THING is way faster. So I don't think she's using that." Kyoya didn't say anything about how weird we acted but just plays along.

"She's going with the train", everyone turned to Tamaki. "It's only logical. A car is slow and she can't use a plane

A/N: for those who don't get it. You can't use a plane or else the I.H.F. will know where you are and where you are going.

for obvious reasons. So it's a train but I don't think she's a passenger." This was one of the smartest things I've heard Tamaki said. He is a goofball most of the time but is smart.

"Tama-chan is smart!" Honey said smiling while eating his cake. Mori was silent by his side like always. I wondered what (Y/N) was doing right this moment.

Your POV

As I stretched a bit the guy frowned and asked me what I was doing. After two hours of traveling and sleeping in the same position I was kinda ticked off.
"I'm ice skating," I said the sarcasm particularly dripping off.
He chuckled.

"You were talking in your sleep", he said smiling, his dimples showing. Oh God he has dimples. I hate those./I love those.

A/N: How should I know what you guys like? XD so yeah

"I was talking in my sleep? What did I say?" I asked because I was never told I talked in my sleep.

"Something like", he paused for a moment and continued,"Kyoya why?". He said that in quite a high pitched voice.

"What! That's not my voice!" I said slapping the back of his head. He laughed.

"Whatever. That's what you said anyway. Is he your boyfriend?" he said in a teasing tone. I chuckled and shook my head. This clearly made him happy. I faced the wall before telling him.

"Nah. He's my brother... well not anymore..", I said without showing an emotion. But suddenly Ivan wrapped his arms around me from behind, pulling me into a hug.

"Let it out...", he whispered. I don't let people tell me what to do, but this time I didn't care. I felt the tears in my eyes. He turned me around and I cried on his shoulder while he rubbed my lower back, silently trying to comfort me.


*takes deep breath in*

Calm down

*breathes out*

Okay no.


OMG 1k!!! Thank you I never thought I'd get this far. 😊

I swear, I know I write short chapters but I don't want to go too fast you know? But I do publish fast 😂 so I hope that makes it up.

Either way

I'm now in Austria so I have wifi here that loves me 😚

*wifi starts going on Yandere mode* 😂 omg I'm so weird I'm just so happy now sorry.

Either way in two days I'm back home. And then I have another few days before school starts. Bleh. My birthday is then too 😑 so yay! I get school has birthday present... not! XD


Engaged To The Host [Hikaru × Kaoru × Reader] OHSHCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon