Chapter 15: Return?

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Your POV

We all sat in a circle around a fire that Mori made. Ivan who sat next to me shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Haruhi has been scolding me for ten minutes long. Kyoya and the twins are giving me a death look while Honey-senpai eats his cake.


"Never do that again okay!" said Haruhi finishing her rant. I nodded like the good girl I am. "Now, who is this?" Haruhi looked over at the guy next to me who didn't say a word the whole time.
Kyoya suddenly looked interested, same for the twins.

"This is Ivan. I met him on my way here. He's going to help me. Right, Ivan?" I turned to him and he silently nodded. I frowned.

Why is he so quiet?

"(Y/N)", Kyoya finally spoke up. "Can we talk?" I hesitated. He really hurt me but can I blame him? I kind of don't want to talk to him yet. I have nothing to say to him. And what he said still hurts.
Kyoya saw that I hesitated and nodded slightly.

"I get it... just know that I'm sorry alright", he said and stood up. While he pushed his glasses up his nose, Ivan spoke up for the first time.

"Are you going back with them?" he dared to ask the question that has been burning on the rest of the Host Club Member's lips. Honey-senpai ran towards me pleading me to go back with them. I smiled at his reaction. Mori, who didn't move the whole time, nodded too.

"I'm afraid I can't do so, Honey. I need to go somewhere."

"(Y/N)-chan~, that is so unfair! Why~", he said whining. Haruhi chuckled slightly next to me. Ivan on the other hand looked pissed at Honey. When he saw me watching he changed his expression and mouthed a sorry.

"My friend has some problems. And I need to help him", I said looking down at Honey-senpai again. He looked at me with his big cute eyes.

"Then maybe we can help, too", Haruhi insisted. My eyes widened. I can't let that happen. I don't want to get them in danger. Besides Steven will get furious when he finds out.

"Haruhi. I appreciate it that you want to help but you can't. For good reasons. And you know that", I said while Honey-senpai sat on my lap. I suddenly felt like a mom.

"You really think we will listen?" Hikaru spoke up chuckling. "(Y/N), we will follow you again anyway."
I sighed and looked at them. Haruhi was still looking at me with her hope filled eyes. She has been such a good friend to me. I hate to push her away. Honey-senpai always shared his cake. And I never say no to food. Mori has been... helpful, too. Even though he doesn't say much. I still see him as my friend. The twins on the other hand have hurt me a lot. I'm used to it but still. I think it was quite a shock when they found out they were engaged.

"What about the Host club?", I asked suddenly remembering. They can't just stop going to school for a while. No matter how rich they are.

"Has been taken care of", Kyoya said pushing his glasses up his nose. I nodded at him as a thanks.

"Well then, we can't let my friend wait can we?"


Another short chapter. XD

Lolol I was bored and sick of maths so I decided to write. Exams started this week so YEA.  But that doesn't mean I won't be able to write. 😉

Idk how it works in your countries but here you go in the morning to make your exam (you get three hours) and after you are finished you can go home for the rest of the day. The next day another exam and so forth.

Pretty chill so ye XD

Anyways I'll probably go and play a game now LMAO.

Any messages always welcome. Comments, too. Love reading them. :)

Engaged To The Host [Hikaru × Kaoru × Reader] OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now