Chapter 22: Not Human

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Alexej was chasing Mumei down the new hallway with a spider. She was screaming and made sure she got out of here. Steven rolled his eyes before continuing painting the wall. Me and Léon on the other hand were laughing our butts off. As Mumei sprinted past us Alexej still followed. She pushed Léon towards him though. Which caused Alexej to stumble against me. I didn't saw it so I fell in the bucket of paint. My short and left leg were white now.
       Léon cursed and ran. He knew I would take revenge. Alexej groaned because he fell hard on the ground. He looked up at me as I was holding another can of paint. He puts his arms over his head as I poured it all over him.
       Léon's laugh boomed through the room.
        "I am going to kill you", Alexej shouted angry. I laughed and ran in high speed. "Not fair!" I heard Alexej yell. When he gets angry you can hear his Russian accent. He practiced a lot so you don't hear it when he is just having a conversation.

I giggled before walking towards my old room. Fangfang is doing better. After a few more days and she can do whatever she can. I talked to Steven about her mission and agreed that we stay still for a while. With Ivan running around too, we can't risk it.
       I still shiver when I think about what happened. I'm grateful for what Hikaru did. Tao greeted me on my way.
      "(Y/N), after you check up on Fangfang... more people are coming. One of them has been shot", Tao told me. He must've heard it from Samson. He is the one who can read minds. Samson although he is a kid. He listens to the people's their minds in the area. We didn't push him doing so, he came up with the idea himself. And come on; what can happen? He is just reading their minds.
       As soon he finds a sign of people coming this way, he tells Tao. Who is responsible for it. Samson usually tries to communicate with them, too. Sometimes it doesn't work because his powers are still developing.
       "Alright, if you need more pillows and stuff, Anna has bought some two days ago. I put them in my room." With that we both left to out duties. I've told you about the Anna's, Tao's and Steven's position as leader but not mine. I am responsible for the sick and the training. People can exercise their powers and all that. I mostly keep an eye on how they are developing and if they develop correctly.

I knocked before entering Fangfang's room. As always she was reading her favourite book.
      "How are you feeling?"
      "Better at least", she said with a sad face. She hates staying inside. I chuckled and sat next to her.
       "When are the hosts coming again? Hasn't it been a month already?" Fangfang asked. She loves spending time with them. Especially, Kyoya. I think she has a crush on him. But didn't ask her about it.
       "They should arrive this week. I don't know exactly when. They have school, remember?" I said while looking at her leg. It was almost fully healed. Just a little bit more. Fangfang nodded.
       I gently pressed two fingers right above the broken bone and concentrated. With my other hand I held Fangfang down. As I felt her bone slightly shift she screamed. After a few minutes I was done. Sweat triples down my neck as I stood up. Fangfang was breathing heavily.
       "Is she okay?" Felix entered the room looking worried at Fangfang. She nodded.
       "Tomorrow she will be able to walk again. So she will be fine, Felix", I explained. They were both experimented on in Singapore so they look after each other, no matter what.

Just like with the hosts, huh?

I smiled at the thought and left the room. I could always count on them. They've even come searching for me. Them and the resistance are my true family. Not the Ootori family.
(Y/N)! They are here! One of them is hurt. Come fast, I heard Samson say in my mind. In a split second I was there thanks to my high speed ability. There were five new faces in the living room. The one who was hurt sat on the love seat. His light brown hair sticked to his forehead because of the sweat. I immediately rushed over to the guy. His breathing was heavy. I felt his pulse. Alive, of course, but I could not feel it that well. A girl with long wavy black hair took his hand.
       "He has been shot. Right here", she said pointing at his side. Before I could pull up his shirt, he started coughing heavily. He was coughing up blood. Samson looked horrified just like the girl who sat next to him.
      "Get the kids out of here. And you", I said to the guy who was coughing up blood, "Lay down on your right side. Can someone give me a towel or something?" People were walking back and forth. Some were taking the children away. Other are trying to get away themselves. And the other part? Just making a fuss and panicking. The guy lays on his right side. He stopped coughing, for now. I pulled up his shirt. His lower back was turning purple. I placed two fingers on it. The guy hissed.
      "Is it bad?" the girl asked in concern. I looked up at her with the same expression as her and nodded. Tears welled up in her eyes.
      "That bad, huh?" the guy said with hoarse voice. The girl smiled and took his face between her hands. The other three people just stood there in silence.
      "Can someone tell me his name?"
      "Haru", the tallest said. I nodded and turned back to Haru.
      "The bullet is too close to your spine. You have an internal bleeding", I explained while I used the towel to whipe off the blood from his face.
      "But you can take it out right?" the girl asked with hopeful eyes. I sighed and put a hand on her shoulder.
       "The bullet isn't that dangerous. If we keep it like that, you won't die but you won't be able to walk anymore", I paused for a moment before continuing, "We can take the bullet out but we don't have what we need to do the surgery. You will feel everything because we don't have anesthesia. There is a chance you might die."
      The girl burst out in tears as the rest of their group sighed. The tallest guy stood next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
      "I will give you guys some time to think...", I said and left them. One of them followed me out of the room.
       "You are one of the leaders, right? There is something we need to discuss", I nodded and led him to my soon-to-be-room in the new hallway.


We both sat on the cool hard ground. The guy had a dark skin tone with a beautiful smile. He introduced himself as Simon. He told me all about their group and journey.
      "There was luckily nobody there when we got attacked."
       "Who attacked you anyways?"
       "You should be asking what. Actually... don't ask that. We don't even know", we both chuckled at his remark. He then turned silent and looked at me seriously. "Jokes aside. They didn't look human. Only one of them was. And he has a code in his neck. He was the one who shot Haru."
        "What was his code?" I asked softly.


Guess who I29 Is?

I think I mentioned that in the Chapter No Name... 🤔

Oh well.

No hosts in this chapter. But it was necessary for the story.


How was it? XD

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