Chapter 1 | The agreement

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C H A P T E R 1
| T H E A G R E E M E N T|

I applied more lipstick onto my lips and puckered in the mirror. My outfit consisted of denim shorts paired with a grey tank top. My blonde hair was perfectly curled and cascaded down my shoulders.

There's always two categories of girls. The first category who gets out of bed rather late and throws on a plain or boring outfit. Then there's the second category. The ones that get up early and dress to impress. And I seem to fit into the second category.

I grabbed my designer handbag and made my way to the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

My mother walks into the kitchen wearing her work attire. A white blouse and a black pencil skirt that ended just above her knees. Her hair was straightened and parted perfectly. Her bright blue eyes shone with brightness,  thankfully I had gotten my blue eyes from my mother. She eyed my outfit and stared rather dissaprovingly, her blue eyes gazing at me.

I ignored her and grabbed my coffee, sitting next to dad. I leaned on the island bench and eyed my father.

My dad was wearing a black suit and a black tie. He frowned at his laptop, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He was typing rapidly on his laptop.

My mother placed a croissant on the bench. "Can't you wear something-" she paused looking for the right word "-decent"

My mother is very ashamed of me. The way I dress for starters and my attitude towards school. She wants me to do well in school and get a good job, marry a wealthy man and start a family. Parents don't understand that we are our own human self. We should be able to make those decisions for ourselves.

I looked down at my outfit before meeting her eyes again. "This is decent". I don't get whats wrong with this outfit. It's a free country. We can do what we want and wear what we want.

She sighed putting her bagel down "This has gone on far too long" she glanced at dad for help. "Jarrod"

He finally looked up unaware of the situation we were in.

I kept sipping my coffee.

My mother looked back at me. "Your father and I have come to an agreement"

"Here we go again" I mumble under my breath.

She gave me a pointed look. "If you don't change we're sending you to a boarding school"

A boarding school? Seriously? A range of emotions filled me mainly disbelief. My parents have grounded me before but never sent me away.

I raised my brow. "What do you mean change?"

She shrugged. "Dress appropriately, good grades, attending every class and no more getting drunk" she didn't disguise the look of disgust that crossed her features.

I scoffed. "I can't just change. I am who I am and I shouldn't have to change to match your standards"

"What do you mean match my standards?" She asked having no clue what I meant.

I put my mug down annoyed. "You already know what standards. You want me to be a lawyer"

She frowned. "I though you wanted to be a lawyer"

"No" I cut her off now looking at both of them. "You both want me to be lawyers. I can't believe this. You both hardly come home to see me and when you do, you tell me to change"

"That's because some people actually have to work full time to pay for this house, food and people's education" dad spoke up glancing at me.

I scoffed flicking my blonde hair over my shoulder. "Even if you stop working we'd still be rich. We have a mansion and maids. Only a millionaire can afford that" my mother and father knew I was right. My mom and dad both work fulltime, my mother being a lawyer and my father being a CEO.

My mother gave me a pointed look. "I am not changing my mind. In a few months I will check on you. And don't even think about putting up an act, you and I both know I see right through it" she warned me before leaving.

She was right. I was known to be a great actor. I could fake being sick at school and no one would be suspicious. But my mother being my mother, she can see right through my acts. On the other hand my dad doesn't know I fake it. I must've gotten this from my mom. No wonder how she knows all about it.

After the door clicked shut I instantly turned to dad.

"Dad" I started in a pleading voice.

He shut his laptop and grabbed his bag. "Lana I don't want to have to send you away to boarding school so please do it for me at least. I know it's a lot to ask but this is important. Your growing up, and soon you'll be taking on your own job. Your mother and I need to be reassured you can survive out there. It's not high school out there, anything can happen. Ok?" He asked.

I nodded without thinking. He sighed before smiling and kissing my forehead. "This is for your own good. I might be home late so I'll probably see you tomorrow"

I watched at he left hearing the door click shut. "It's not like your home any other day"

It was true. This was probably the first morning in a year that we've had a family breakfast. And people would hardly call it a family breakfast. They're meant to be calm and relaxing. Where you just talk about how your weeks been. It's also classified rude to have electronics at the table, but I would never say that to my father's face.

I need to change.

But how?

Thoughts on the first chapter? What do you think about Lana and her family? Especially about sending her away to boarding school..
Remember to comment and vote. Updating soon.
~ Ashley xx

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