Chapter 39 | Charlotte's back

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C H A P T E R  3 9
| C H A R L O T T E ' S  B A C K |

I shut the door and waved to Luke as I grabbed my bag.

This week was jam packed with events and I actually enjoyed it.

Luke, Maya, Riley and I decided to go to my beach house for a week. We had spent the days shopping and at the beach, whilst nights were filled with stargazing and bonfire parties.

My smile faltered when I realised we have school in two days. The two weeks had gone by so fast I didn't even realise. Although I had actually done heaps of homework and tutoring prior to my vacation.

I unlocked the house and stepped inside. I missed this place. When you spend your whole life in your house you get sick of it. But when you take a break, you start to miss your house.

I shut the door as I was met with my mother and father.

"Hey kiddo" dad welcomed me cheerfully giving me a hug.

"Hey" I replied back.

Dad stepped back and stood next to mom.

She gave me a small smile. "Welcome back, how was your trip?"

You could sense the tension between us. Dad gave me a questioning look.

"It was good" I replied.

We all stood there awkwardly. Not knowing what to do.

"I'm gonna go put my bags away" I stated and started walking up the stairs to my room.

I put my bag down in my room and realised how hungry I am.

I walked back down the stairs heading towards the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

I grumbled at my luck for being right next to the door when it rang. All I wanted to do was sleep and eat.

I opened the door and my eyes widened with recognition.

The last time I saw her was when I was 15. When it happened. The trouble she got me in, for doing something I didn't do. And the next day she just left. No apology or excuse.

I was so surprised and disgusted at who stood at the door that I slammed the door in her face.

It can't be her. She shouldn't even be in this state, nor in this country. She couldn't even make it for Easter. And I'm glad she didn't.

"Who's at the door?" Mom asked appearing out of nowhere.

"No one, my eyes are just playing up on me" I told her.

She frowned as the doorbell rang again.

Mom opened the door this time.

It was still her.

She had a scowl on her face when she looked at me but wiped it away and smiled widely when she saw mom.

She had the same blonde hair and brown eyes. She wore short denim shorts and a loose tank top. Surely mom would look at her disgusted and ask her to leave.

Mom smiled at her genuinely. "Charlotte, I hoped you would have arrived a few hours ago but that doesn't matter"

I stood there dumbfolded. Arrived a few hours ago?

She smiled warmly. "Yeah sorry about that, the flight was delayed"

"That's fine. Come in. I'll leave you two to catch up" mom glanced at me ignoring my burning glare on her and she walked away.

Charlotte walked in and shoved me her jacket. "That flight was a doozy" she complained.

"Excuse me?" I said in disbelief.

Her eyes fixated on me. "Oh hey there cuz"

She can't waltz into my life and my house and act like it's all hers.

I didn't try being nice. Even if my mother asked me to I wouldn't. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked harshly.

She ignored my tone still using the same sweet voice. "You better get used to it, because I'm staying"

She made her way upstairs but stopped when she passed me.

"Oh and some advice, do what I say" her voice was now cold and ruthless.

"Or what?" I challenged her.

She laughed. "Seriously honey? Do we actually have to go through this?"

I waited for her response.

"I did some digging before coming here and I know what your mom has on you. If you go against me I will send you straight to boarding school. Don't test me" she warned me before strolling off.

I felt powerless and I couldn't think of anything to say. For some reason I actually believed her. I wouldn't listen if anyone else said that to me.

But I'm smarter than that. I know Charlotte is different and she'll do anything to get her way.

I realised I still held her jacket and I instantly dropped it. I'm not her maid.

I tried finding mom.

I found her in the living room on her phone.

"What is she doing here?" I asked getting straight to the point.

She looked up at me. "I told you I made an offer to help someone, and that you wouldn't like this"

I shook my head in disagreement. "Anyone but Charlotte, you know that I hate her"

She didn't look offended or sorry. "I know you do, and I'm hoping you'll now get along since she's staying"

"We're never gonna get along. She's-" I paused. I knew if I said blackmailing mom wouldn't understand. She'd think I'm lying. Mom sees Charlotte as an angel, but she's not. It's just a disguise for the devil inside.

She waited for my answer.

I felt defeated. "How long is she staying?"

I was hoping for mom to say a week. I guess I can handle a month. But not any longer.

I just wanted her gone. After what she did to me. It was all her fault.

"Until she's ready to buy her own house" she replied casually.

My eyes widened in shock. "That's like another 5 years"

"Yes it is. I expect you to welcome her into her new home and help her when needed. Settling into a new country is difficult so be nice" she instructed me, her tone firm.

I knew there was no point in arguing. I'd just have to deal with Charlotte. And by deal I mean avoid.

Avoid Charlotte for 5 years, easy.

How about this chapter? Lana's cousin is back and trouble seems to be following her everywhere. What do you reckon happened with Lana and Charlotte when they were 15? Something sketchy for sure.
Updating soon.
Remember to comment and vote.
~ Ashley.

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