Chapter 43 | My valentino shoes

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C H A P T E R  4 3
| M Y  V A L E N T I N O  S H O E S |

I checked my phone. No messages or missed phone calls. After how Luke talked to me yesterday I hadn't spoken to him for the rest of the day. I skipped tutoring with him and did my own studying. And by that I mean that I studied with Maya.

Last night I made a deal with myself. If Luke doesn't make any contact by morning then I'll drop it. I'll stop asking him and stop worrying about him. I'm sick of this. From the day I met him I tried finding out his secret. But be didn't want to tell me so I waited. And I've been waiting ever since. I've given him enough hints to let him know. Although he keeps pushing me away.

I spooned some more cereal into my mouth.

Mom walked in and started making her coffee. "How was your study session?"

"Good" I bluntly replied.

I hate it how people do something wrong, and then the next minute act like they did nothing wrong.

She nodded as she made her coffee. I finished eating and placed my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher.

I grabbed my handbag and walked off. As I walked through the hallway Charlotte passed me and grabbed my arm.

"Lana, I need a favour" she started.

I so desperately wanted to walk straight out, but by the way she's gripping my arm I know she's not gonna let go till she gets what she wants.

"What favour?"

"Stay away from Luke" she stated.

I scoffed. "He's my boyfriend I'm not gonna stop seeing him"

She gave me a warning look. "Need I remind you that you staying here is on the line. Oh, and I can make Luke fall for me just like he did before"

She leaned towards me and whispered in my ear. "And I'll break his heart just like I did before, destroying him again"

She let go of my arm and walked away, I'm sure with a smirk on her face.


I sighed with exhaustion as I stuffed my books in my locker.

Today was exhausting. I decided to follow Charlotte's words. I avoided Luke the whole day. He sometimes tried talking to me but I ignored him.

I didn't want to ask questions but the main reason is so Charlotte doesn't cause any trouble. For both Luke and I.

Someone leaned on the locker next to me. Luke gave me an apologic look.

I avoided his eyes and grabbed my handbag looking around for Charlotte.

"I'm sorry"

I looked at him and slightly smiled. "Not here, coffee now"

I shut my locker and grabbed his arm as I walked out of school, Luke right behind me.

We walked silently to the cafe and took a table next to the window.

Our orders came by as I stirred by spoon in the coffee.

"I know I've been a total douche lately" he stated.

"Tell me about it" I mumbled under my breath.

"I've been pushing you away and not telling you anything, and because of that now your ignoring me and not even looking at me" he dropped his face to looked at me.

I finally looked at him. "That wasn't the reason as to why I was ignoring you and I have so looked at you!" I tried reasoning.

"You haven't looked at me once, and what do you mean?" He asked.

I dropped my eyes to the cup and held the cup to spread the warmth. "Charlotte is telling me to not see you"

He shook his head at the thought of her. "She has to stop"

I nodded although I sat up straight. "And you need to tell me the truth-"

"Lana-" Luke interrupted but I immediatly stopped him.

"-about you and Charlotte. It's not fair especially if I'm your girlfriend and Charlotte's my cousin-"


"-and you've been keeping onto this secret for ages and it's killing me. Oh and your lying to me, you said that it's the full story. I get that she broke your heart but it doesn't make you move halfway across the world-" I stopped when Luke's foot hit extremely hard on my foot.

"Ow, what the hell!? These are my valentino heels" I complained rubbing my sore foot.

"Lana let me tell you the truth" he stated.

I gave him a confused look. He didn't want to and now he does.

I waited for his explanation.

"For a whole year I had been together with Charlotte. I was known as the bad boy of the school, skipping class all the time, failing at school and partying. And Charlotte was the same. So people assumed we were meant together. This was when my parents were together. My dad was a CEO and was very rich-"

I haven't heard anything about his dad. I knew it was a bad topic so I never bothered to ask.

"-I'd shower her with expensive gifts. On our one year anniversary I told her I loved her and she said it back. If only I knew that she didn't mean it. A week later she broke up with me in front of everyone, saying all of this stuff about me being a bad boyfriend"

"Were they true?" I asked.

"No, but she humiliated me anyway. She didn't love me she threw that phrase around like saying how are you. She broke my heart and laughed at me, just like everyone else in the school did. Everyone there thought I was a laughing stock and made fun of me. I hated myself. For both Charlotte and everyone else. I started doing bad things" he lifted his sleeve up and showed me his arms. I gasped.

About 4 lines were scratched across his arm. They were partially faint but they were still there.

He went on. "Maya found out and told my parents. Mom realised how bad the situation was and explained to us. We were going to move all the way here, and it was my idea to erase my past so no one could trace it back. I wanted a complete fresh start. My dad wasn't convinced about it. He tried reasoning saying you can't run from your problems, but he later admitted that he couldn't move because of his CEO position. He was putting his job before me" he looked away sadness consuming him.

I took his hand and gave him a reassuring look.

"So mom gave him a choice. The job or us. He chose his job. Mom got a divorce immediately disgusted at dad's choices. Then we moved and here we are. I decided that because of what happened last time j was just gonna pass high school and be non existent. So there's no more drama" he finished.

"Wow" I muttered mainly to myself. "I wasn't expecting that"

"And I'm so sorr-" I started.

He interjected. "There's nothing to be sorry about, it's the past now.  I can't change it"

He smiled sadly. "It's a horrible feeling when at one moment your feeling on too if the world, then you feel like you've hit rock bottom"

"I have to ask though" I started. "How the hell does someone love Charlotte?" I asked giving him a serious look.

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~ Ashley.

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