Chapter 49 | Goodbye New York

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C H A P T E R  4 9
| G O O D B Y E  N E W  Y O R K |

I paced back and forth as I waited.

I looked up to see if he was there. My eyes flashed with disappointment as the empty hallway met my eyes.

It's just me with my suitcase as the flight attendant waits for the last people to board.

He's not coming. I just had to accept it and move on. I was hoping he'd come so I could see him one last time. It's either he's seen the letter or ignored it or he hasn't even read it. I was really hoping it was that he hadn't read it. I couldn't live with the fact that he hates me and thinks I cheated on him.

"5 more minutes ma'am" the flight attendant spoke to me.

I nodded to her as I tapped my foot impatiently. I was started to loose all  hope.

I gave the hallway one last longing look as I firmly gripped the edge of my suitcase and started walking.

"Lana!" Someone yelled afar stopping me in my tracks. I easily recognised that voice.

I around to see Luke running towards me firmly holding a letter. My letter.

He stopped in front of me. He had dark circles around his eyes and his hair was touseled like he'd been running his hands through his hair multiple times.

Yet, he still looked gorgeous. My eyes trailed from his eyes to his sharp cheekbones to his luscious lips, all the way to his sharp jawline.

He had a look of sadness and betrayal.

I so badly wanted to hug him and tell him everything will be fine, but I knew that if I did that I wouldn't leave.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to leave, but I have to.

"Is this true?" He asked holding up my letter.

I sighed looking in his eyes. "Luk-" I started.

His voice cut through my words as he repeated the sentence. "Is this true?"

I nodded.

He had a look of relief yet he still seemed to be saddened. "Please don't go" he took my arm in his.

I urged myself to look away, to turn around and leave. I knew this was going to happen, that's why I should've sent the letter later.

"I have to go" I simply replied not giving him any more information.

"Why?" He asked his voice slightly broken.

"I need to do this for myself. My mother's right, I haven't changed. I'm still that immature girl I was 5 years ago" I stated truthly. I hated to admit it, but it was true.

"What about us?" He asked.

I didn't want it to come to this but it's the right thing to do. "I don't want you to wait for me to sort out my issues to be together. Go live your life, if you meet a girl, go out with her"

I hated the thought of Luke with anyone else but me. The thought of him hugging and kissing another girl made me angry. Yet, this isn't about me, I need to do what's right for Luke.  Not everything's about me. And this is the right thing to do.

A flash of hurt crossed his features. I grabbed my Easter egg ring from my pocket and gave it to him. "Hold onto this for me. I'll come back for it"

He took it and held it in his hand. "Please don't go" he repeated, his voice filled with so much pain as he pleaded me. His eyes were glassy as tears started to well.

A tear drop fell from his eye making it's way down his face. I stepped forward and cupped his cheek with one of my hands, wiping the tear drop away.

His eyes flickered to my lips. I leant in more as our lips connected. My hands slid into his hair as his arm circles around my waist, pulling me closer. This kiss was different from any other kiss I'd felt, urgent and desperate.

The kiss is slow and deep and like any moment I'd just slip away under his grasp.

We pulled away as I stepped back. Luke stared at me with such an intensive stare I couldn't draw my eyes away. His eyes pleaded me to stay.

"Last warning ma'am" the flight attendant announced.

Without breaking eye contact with Luke, I tried smiling reassuringly. "Goodbye Luke" I looked over him one last time before turning around.

I took a deep breath as I started walking away. Slowly my heart started to shatter.

I could feel the tears brim in my eyes and I held it in. I couldn't stop now.

I had my back turned to Luke but I heard his sentence loud and clear although he said it quietly. "Don't leave like she did" his voice held so much emotion. So much pain and grief. It stopped me in my tracks.

My heart broke. Don't leave like she did. I knew exactly who he was talking about. He struggled severely when Charlotte broke his heart and now he has to go through with it again.

I hated myself now that I'm putting him through this pain again. I'm a horrible human being. But deep down I know, I have to do this.

I shut my eyes as the tears rolled out.

I quickly wiped it away and tried walking away. It took every bone in my body to move.

My heart was telling me to stop, but my brain was telling me to go.

I stopped at the flight attendant and handed my flight ticket.

She have me a small sympathetic smile. Of course, she saw everything. I knew it was a mistake but I turned around to see Luke standing far away  in the same position I had left him.

His body was tense and he had an unreadable look on his face. He looked blank. Like he'd been torn apart. I almost missed the flash of pain crossing his features.

I wanted him to be happy. I need him to be. I wasn't leaving to put him in pain.

I love you, I mouthed to him.

I grabbed the ticked off the flight attendant and turned my back to the man I loved.

It'll be ok. He'll be ok. I kept repeating in my head.

They say you recover from your breakups, whether it's finding someone new or simply just weeping over them.

For some reason, I know that Luke has crept his way into my heart. And moving on, will be impossible.

Goodbye New York, I'll miss you.

This is actaully a really sad chapter and I almost cried writing this. Poor Luke and Lana. Lana's heart might of shattered but so did mine, I was so going for Luna.

Anyway as of now this book has ended. Now before you complain about how I ended on a cliffhanger and that you hate me, read on before you go on a murder spree.

There is going to be another chapter, and epilogue so it'll explain everything. And yes, you'll see Lana and Luke reunite. But who knows what'll happen?

Epilogue coming soon.
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~ Ashley.

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