Chapter 13 | Cherry

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C H A P T E R  1 3
| C H E R R Y |

I slammed my locker at the voice of him.

"Baby you don't know how sorry I am" his voice filled my ears.

I gritted my teeth in anger and hoped he disappeared.  Or that I was just imagining him.

I glanced a look and Mike was there. I scowled at him and walked through the crowded people. But of course, he followed.

"Piss off Mike" I spoke loud and clearly.

He shoved my shoulder to face him.  "Can you just forget everything that happened, and just go back to normal?" He pleaded, desperation filling his eyes.

My brows shot up at this. "Are you crazy? Don't you get it?" I punched his chest roughly with my finger, with every word. "I, broke, up, with you"

I swiftly whirled my body around and stormed off.

Some students sat in chairs as the bell hadn't rung yet. But the whole row at the front was taken.

Luke sat at the second desk at the front. His hair was touseled in a messy way and his green emerald eyes shone across the room. He wore a red and black checkered button up shirt with black jeans. He wore a beanie, to top off the look.

I stood at the edge of his desk and stood impatiently.

He looked up and smirked. "Your actually early? I'm surprised you accomplished such a simple task"

I rolled my eyes at this. "Shut up" I looked around and faked sadness. "Damn, there's no seats at the front, I guess I'll have to take the next row" I hid my smile as I stalked off. I didn't make it anywhere before a foot stuck out. I halted. No way was I going to trip in front of everyone.

"What?" I asked innocently, slightly annoyed.

"You're sitting in the first row" before nodded at the seat to his right. "ask politely if you could sit there instead"

He made sure to emphasize the word politely.

I gave him a look but he stared sternly at me.

I sighed and turned to the desk next to him. There was a girl with a brown bob cut and glasses. She had brown chocolate eyes and was scribbling something down in her workbook.

I cleared my throat loudly. She looked up at me and her eyes immediately widened.

"Y-yes?" She stuttered.

"Your sitting in my spot. Get off" I said bitterly.

"Lana" Luke warned me as the bell rang and students started filling the seats.

I rolled my eyes and faked a smile. "Can you please go find another chair?"

She snapped out of her daze and got up, grabbing her books.

She made it out but tripped over someone's bag and fell, landing on her butt.

Most people around the room snickered at this. I innocently sat down and put my books down neatly.

The teacher walked in and looked at the girl dissaprovingly.

"Ms Hill, a reason we have seats is to sit on. Please find one rather than the floor"

She blushed and mumbled an apology before standing and finding another seat.

I glanced to my left and Luke was giving me a pointed look. I shrugged innocently and he shook his head, with a slight tug on his lips.


I found Maya shoving her books in her locker roughly. She had a scowl etched on her face. Next to her was Riley, attempting to flirt with her.

I stood next to Riley. "Scoot" I said to him.

His face immediately dropped and he gave me a sympathetic look. "Lana are you oka-" he started.

"I'm fine" I snapped giving him a warning look.

"I guess I'll see you in the cafeteria" he spoke quietly and walked off.

I stood next to Maya now. "Did I miss something?" I asked refering to Riley.

"Nope, just a normal playboy. But what did I miss with you?" She raised a brow sounding interested.

"Nothing" I said bluntly and started walking off.

She caught up and walked next to me. We walked through the hallway filled with students as we made our way to the cafeteria. The popular table as usual was filled except for one spot. My spot.

I shifted my eyes to find Luke. He was a few tables away from us. There was a girl sitting opposite him with straight black hair and brown eyes with bright red lipstick.
I sat down next to Luke with Maya sitting opposite me.

"Luke" I nodded to Luke. "Cherry" I nodded to the girl.

She cocked her head to the side. "Cherry?"

I nodded. "The colour of your lipstick"

She smiled."I like her already. Anyway the names Cheryl, but you can call me Cher or whatever it doesn't even matter really. By the way why are you on this table? Not that I don't want you here, I like your company. But I thought you normally sit on the popular table?" She chattered on.

"Cheryl talks a lot" Luke interrupted.

"I can tell"

Luke and Cherry started arguing about the food.

"So, why is that table glaring at us?" Maya asked nodding her head towards the popular table.

Riley, Matt and Mike were all staring at me. Stacey smiled at me and I smiled back.

"It's nothing"

"Oh I'm sure it's nothing. Your telling me later" she warned me.

"Yeah whatever" I waved it off.

Thoughts on the character Lana? Her attitude sure is something special.

Just wanted to thank you guys for your support towards this book as it just recently entered the teen fiction rankings. Thanks a lot xx

Also happy new year. I hope you all had a great 2017 and I hope 2018 turns out better.

Updating soon.
Remember to comment and vote.
~ Ashley

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