Chapter 16 | Chosen one my ass

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C H A P T E R  1 6
| C H O S E N  O N E  M Y  A S S |

The crisp, morning air swept past me as I walked through the school gates. Today I wore a red flannel shirt with my black shorts. I had my black vans on and I wore a black beanie. My hair cascaded down my back in wavy curls. I had put on pale lipstick and highlighter to finish off the look.

I put my books away and walked to class where Maya sat with her head resting on the table. Must've drunk too much. Poor Maya.

Next to her Luke sat mocking her whilst she groaned.

I strolled over to Maya's seat and plonked my books down. She immediately sat up. "I'm up" she croaked.

She had bags under her eyes and her green eyes were dull. Her hair was lazily put up into a bun.

"Someone looks a bit tired today" I smiled widely at her.

She scowled at me but groaned at the pain. "Don't start with me. I have a killer headache. How do you deal with this?"

I shrugged. "You get used to it. And I'm not aloud to go to parties anymore" my eyes drifted over to Luke.

"Party pooper" Maya said to Luke.

Luke looked the opposite to Maya. He wore a blue jumper and black pants. His hair was touseled and his green eyes were shining brightly. He had no bags under his eyes.

"How come your not" I paused for the word glancing at Maya "dead.. Did you chicken out and not go to the party?"

"I went but I was the designated driver" He half smiled.

I was about to make a snarky remark but the teacher walked in. He started calling out the role.

Some people snickered at the back causing the teacher to stare at them. "What is all of the noise for?" He asked Mike who was sitting at the back looking all smug. In his hand was a note with scribbled letters on it.

Mike caught my eyesight and stared at me. I held his gaze and he faked sadness. "Lana is bullying me" he turned the note around.

I couldn't read it from where I was but I understood it was something bad as some people laughed and gasped.

The teacher looked alarmed at the note. "Lana we do not tolerate bullying in this classroom, nor in this school. Is this clear?" He asked.

I raised a brow. He actually believed him? "But-" I saw Luke giving me a look. Mike was smirking at the back. This is what he wanted. For me to be put on the spot and blow. "- I mean I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again"

He nodded pleased and went on. I couldn't help but notice how Mike's smile faltered when I apologised.

When the teacher turned around I quickly caught a peek at Mike who was staring at me. I smiled at him and shoved him the bird before facing the board.


I placed my tray on the table as I sat down opposite Cherry.

Luke sat next to me as Maya sat opposite him.

"So, I have great news" Cherry smiled widely.

"And that is?" I raised a brow.

"I'm going to boarding school" she sounded too happy.

I stole a frie off Luke's tray and he glared at me.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked refering to his plate that now held an apple.

"You know. Because the frie was calling for me. Saying something about me being the chosen one" I spoke sarcastiaclly.

He stole a chip from my packet. "Chosen one my ass" he mumbled.

My eyes went wide in anger. "What'd you do that for?"

"You know. Because the chip was calling for me. Something about me being the chosen one" he smirked sarcastically.

I glared at him. "You can insult me but under no circumstance you cannot steal my food"

He cocked his head to the side. "So it's alright for you to steal food from my plate but not the other way around?"

I nodded. "Well duh. It's called courtesy"

He grabbed another chip from my packet. My attention shifted to Cherry when she slammed her hand on the table. Maya groaned in pain covering her ears. "Really? Do you want to know what a hangover feels like?"

Cherry glared at all of us. "I gladly do not care, I was in the middle of telling you guys important news"

Maya slouched down and played with her tray.

The realisation sunk in. "Your going to boarding school? How is that exciting?" I raised a brow.

The topic reminded me of my situation. Sent off to boarding school. I wish I was excited for that. But after all, how can you be excited?"

She rolled her eyes. "Just because I've always been wanting to go to one my whole life" she smiled dreamily.

I stared at her disgusted. "Are your parents shipping you off?"

She frowned "No".

"Did your parents brainwash you?"


"Are you on drugs?"

She scowled. "No. Why would you say that?"

I looked at her weirdly. "Because girls dream to go to places such as Yale or Princeton. But you dream to go to boarding school, I for one, dread going there" I shuddered at the thought.

She ignored me and went on. "I am going to a boarding school, and I am very happy, so you can at least be happy for me"

I faked a smile. "I am very proud-"

Suddenly an elbow came in contact with my ribs and I immediately shut up.

Luke next to me smiled at Cherry. "We are very happy for you"

She smiled pleased at herself.

I glared at Luke and stamped on his foot. He winced and pinched my arm. I scowled at him and was about to punch his arm but someone interrupted us.

"Seriously guys? I'm trying to sleep here and I can't when you guys are playing tic tac toe" Maya glared at me.

I kicked her shin underneath the table and she groaned.

I faked sadness. "Oh I'm sorry, I swear I didn't see your leg there"

I have decided to leave the cover as it is right now as a few people brought up the point that they like the original better.

Anyway how was this chapter? Thoughts on the characters?

Updating soon.
Remember to comment and vote.
~ Ashley.

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