Chapter 42 | His ex

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C H A P T E R  4 2
| H I S  E X |

Early chapter, because why not?
Enjoy xx


My alarm continued to ring. I stuck my arm out and turned off the alarm.

I rubbed my eyes and realised what day it is. First day of the term.

I decided to wear a black skirt with black leggings and a grey top, putting on a pink knit.

I made my way to the kitchen to find Charlotte sitting on the chair leaning on the island bench whilst my parents were on the other side of the bench.

Oh, so now they're home. They decide to stay home when Charlotte's here. I'm their daughter and Charlotte's my cousin. They shouldn't be wanting to impress her.

I walked in grabbing a belvita biscuit packet and left, ignoring everyone there heading to school.

When I arrived Luke stood at his locker talking to a group of people

I stood against the locker next to Luke. They saw me and walked away. Rude much?

He looked at me and smiled when he saw my tired expressions. I didn't sleep well at all. "Well good morning sunshine"

"Did I mention that I hate school?"

"Did you study for the test today?" He asked.

"Ha ha very funny" I replied.  He still gave me the questionable look. And I hate to say that he wasn't lying.

"What test?" I painfully asked.

What type of school gives you a test on the first day? I have never seen that before.

Suddenly someone hooked their arm around my shoulder. "Hey there cuz" Charlotte stood next to me, not noticing Luke.

She was wearing black shorts paired with a pink tank top.

"Where'd you go this morning? I was hoping we'd go to school together" she pouted.

I shrugged off her arm. "Charlotte, we're not friends"

Charlotte rolled her eyes at me before looking at Luke. I noticed Luke's wide eyes at Charlotte. A flash of recognition passed through his eyes.

Charlotte's eyes widened as well.

"Char?" Luke asked not believing it's Charlotte. His eyes held pain and sadness.

I stared confused at the both of them. They know eachother?

Charlotte recovered quickly and smiled innocently walking up to him and linking her arms around his shoulder. "Baby, I missed you so much" her voice was awfully sweet.

Luke looked angry as his body stiffened. He grabbed her hands and shoved them away looking disgusted. "Don't call me that"

She gave him a confused and sad look. All fake. "Baby? But I always called you that. I have to explain everything" 

He ignored her and walked up to me. "I'll see you in class"

I gave him an understanding nod and a small smile. He avoided looking at me as he walked off.

"How do you guys know eachother?" I asked although I probably shouldn't be trusting Charlotte.

She looked at me and stared at me intently. "How do you guys know eachother?"

That is not how it works. I asked first so I should get an answer. We'd get nowhere if this is the way it's going.

"I'm his girlfriend. Who are you to him?" I asked as a glimmer of sadness passed through her eyes.

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