Chapter 21 | Tea with the mother

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C H A P T E R  2 1
| T E A  W I T H  T H E  M O T H E R |

I stopped at the front of the cafe. Saying it was a cafe is an understatement. It was like a five star restaurant. There was circle tables with sophisticated cutlery surrounding the table. There was trays filled with small treats. I walked into the cafe and looked around searching for my mother. She was seated at a table against the window.

She smiled at me when I sat down opposite her. She wore a casual black dress with a blue coat.

"Mom" I nodded to her.

She smiled back at me. "Lana. How are you?"

I was caught off guard by her tone. She sounded genuine.

"I'm great thanks for asking. How about you?" I asked.

"I'm good"

Then there was silence. I leaned down to check the time on my phone. It was 4:35. Great, it's only been 5 minutes.

I sat back up and glanced at mom. She was watching me in dissaproval. "What were you doing down there?" She asked.

"I was ruling America" I spoke sarcastically.

She looked at me sternly. "You were checking the time, weren't you?"

"No I wasn't, I was checking to see if I had any emergency calls" I said innocently.

She sighed mainly to herself. "Can't even have a decent conversation with my daughter"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Not that she's ever tried to have a decent conversation with me.

"What do you want mom?" I asked getting straight to the point.

She was caught off guard by my comment. She frowned innocently. "I only want to have tea with my daughter"

She was lying. I could easily tell.

I remained calm before looking around wearily. "That's B.S"

She frowned. This time it wasn't fake. "What's B.S?"

I rolled my eyes realising parents wouldn't have a clue as to what we say. "Doesn't matter mom. My point is that for the past 18 years you've been so caught up in work and you haven't had the time to have a conversation with me and now you want to. Doesn't that sound a little weird"

She looked down in guilt not meeting my eyes.

A waiter along the age of 30 came along and stood by our table. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"Yes thanks" mom replied blankly like nothing I said before affected her.

"I'll have the double espresso" mom ordered. The waiter jotted it down before turning to me.

I half smiled. "I'll stick with water".

Normally I would jump at the idea of coffee. But I was currently put off.

The waiter left leaving us in silence. I looked down at my plate finding sudden interest at just staring at it.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before" she started. "I thought I was doing the right thing by working fulltime so we can pay for everything you wanted" she smiled to herself feeling guilty nawing at her. "I remeber asking you what you wanted when you were young. You didn't say a pony or a Barbie doll. You said you wanted to play. I asked who with. And you said with me and your dad" her eyes watered at the thought. "I didn't know what to do. I thought maybe you wanted something real big from us"

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