Chapter 24 | Choking on water

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C H A P T E R  2 4
| C H O K I N G  O N  W A T E R |

"Mom-" I started. I knew she was going on the wrong topic by the way Luke tensed and had the look of discomfort on his face.

"Don't mom me. I'm just saying it's a bit weird. Don't you want to know? Or do you already know?" She asked her lips twitching up in a smile.

"I do want to know but he doesn't. We will be the nice people we are and leave him alone. Stop pressuring him" I snapped talking calmly at her.

Luke looked down at his plate but I didn't miss the slight curve on his lips forming a smile.

My mother eyed me suspiciously before looking back at Luke. "My apologies Luke"

Luke plastered a fake smile. "That's fine"

"Do you have any siblings?" Dad asked to ease the tension.

He nodded. "I have a sister"

Mom cleared her throat. "How much kids do you want?" She asked casually.

Luke choked on his water. I smirked at him as he glared at me. I warned him about this.

I was rather interested. Although he might lie to please my mom.

"I don't mind how much" Luke replied recovering from his choking fit.

I gave him a sympathetic look. "You poor thing, choking on water" I mocked him.

He scowled at me.

Mom intervened. "So you want kids?"

"Yes" he replied.

Mom nodded pleased by his answer.

"I give you approval to marry her when she's 24 years old and then you can have kids" mom said to Luke.

I now choked on my saliva. "Mom?!" I exclaimed.

"What?" She asked innocently.

I gave her a glare. "He's my boyfriend not my mate. I might not be with him then" I said truthfully.

Well it was true. We are only fake dating and as soon as this is over we will no longer be fake dating. And the you have my mothers who's talking about marriage and babies.

She gave Luke a sympathetic Luke. "Are you saying you don't like Luke? I'm so sorry Luke. I think Lana's a bit under the weather"

Luke nodded sending a sweet smile my way before looking at mom. "Ah yes. I think it's that time of the month for her. She seems to be experiencing mild mood swings lately"

She smiled at me with fake pity. "You poor thing"

I scowled at her, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at Luke.

I stood up politely. "This has been a great night. Luke should be going as it's getting late" I start.

"It's seven o'clock-" Luke started.

I interrupted empathising my words. "He really, should get going"

My father nodded stood up. "It was lovely to meet you Luke" he shook hands with him.

Luke said a quick farewell to him and my mother as we exited the house.

"Where at you going?" Mom asked appearing at the doorway.

"Luke needs a ride home. And I left my phone at his place" I stated.

She simply nodded as she shut the door.

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