Chapter 37 | Shittiest boyfriend

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C H A P T E R  3 7
| S H I T T I E S T  B O Y F R I E N D |

The door opened before I could even knock. Sarah recognised me immediately and ushered me in. "Lana. What are doing out here?"

She shut the door behind me as warmth enveloped me. My hair and clothes stuck to me as I tried sweeping it away. "You know, having one of my lovely walks"

I shuffled my shoes off. "Is Luke here? He told me he was"

She nodded as she walked down the hallway and I followed.

Sarah yelled to Luke. "Luke! Your the most shittiest boyfriend in the world"

I couldn't help but laugh. She has to be the best mom in the world.

She sat down on the couch. Luke walked out in a casual shirt and some jeans with a jumper ontop. His hair looked golden brown and perfectly tousled.

He saw me and rushed over taking his jumper off and putting it around me as his muscular arm hugged me tight. "When you said you were coming over I thought you meant you were driving" he stated.

I smirked. "Well you are the shittiest boyfriend in the world" I snickered.

He gave me a dirty look as he led me to his room. "I'll get some clothes from Maya" he stated and walked out.

I looked around and looked at his movies. My eyes scanned the movies varying from horror to action genres. I stopped at a movie that made me laugh. Why would he have this movie? The title read she's the man. I turned over the movie and read the description for the billionth time.

He walked back in holding clothes as he saw what I was holding. "Not mine, it's Maya's" he defended himself.

I gave him a pointed look. "Sure"

He held the clothes out as I gratefully took them and changed in the bathroom before coming back in his room. Maya's clothes fit perfectly.

Luke was sitting at his desk typing on his laptop as I took it away and lay on his bed.

"Hey!" He exclaimed.

I simply shrugged as I placed the cd in the laptop. "I'm in a shitty mood so unless you want me in an even shitter mood then go ahead and take it back"

I stared into his eyes as I challenged him. He sighed and strolled over to his bed and laid down next me and hooked his arm around my neck as I snuggled into him. His cologne smelt strong and masculine.

I pressed play as the movie started.

He broke the silence. "What happened today?"

"What do you mean?" I quietly replied.

"This morning you were quite happy, and your mood drastically changed since the last time I saw you" he explained.

I took a deep breath as I started. "Pretty much I had to sit through two hours talking random stuff to my relatives, my auntie tried defending me, mom said horrible things to her, and we had a fight" I summed it up.

He nodded trying to understand. "So that explains why you decided to walk here in the rain"

"Yup" I replied.

We both stayed silent as the movie continued.

I might have watched this movie already ten times. It's not my fault it's a good movie.

"Luke" I started looking at him.

His gaze was solemnly set on the screen. "Mhm?"

"What happened to you going to the cabin for the first week?" I asked.

His eyes flickered to mine. "Storms make it dangerous to get there, so we're gonna stay here for the holidays"

"Plus, we're gonna be having some hardcore tutoring sessions" he stated as the edge of his lips tilted upwards into a smile.

I groaned as I face planted into the pillow. "Schools over, we don't need to" I muffled in between the pillow.

"No. This is when we have more time. So we learn everything before school comes along" he stated.

I lifted my head up. "That's what schools for, for learning" I tried arguing. I don't even know why I'm trying. After all Luke's just trying to help me and it's not like he's getting anything from this. He could easily just walk out.

"Yes it is, but you're behind so we need to catch you up" he ended the conversation.

We both rested our eyes on the laptop and continued watching the movie.

Then I realised something's missing.

"Luke" I started.

He looked at me and gave me an annoyed look. "Watching a movie actually involves watching it. What now?"

I gave him a hopeful smile. "Do you have any food?"

You can't watch a movie without food it just never works. When I say watch a movie I mean watch a movie and eat food. I don't get how people go to the movies and don't get food. It makes no sense.

He shook his head in amusement before reaching over to his drawers and grabbing packets of food.

M&m's, chips, Skittles, Oreo chocolate.

I smiled gleefully as he passed them to me.

"Did you know your the best boyfriend in the world" I stated proudly whilst staring at the food in adoration.

"So I've been told twice already" he muttured under his breath.

Sorry for the short chapter, tried getting it out early. Thoughts on the new cover? Yay or nay?

Updating soon.
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~ Ashley

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