Chapter 26 | Cold shoulder

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C H A P T E R  2 6
| C O L D  S H O U L D E R |

For the rest of the day after the kiss Luke had been acting weird. I knew that he was avoiding me. And he would never sit next to me in class.

To say I was hurt was an understatement. My first thoughts was the kiss bad? I hoped that the reason was that he wasn't lying before and actually liked me and didn't know how to react around me. But I knew that wasn't the case.

"So where did you guys go?" Maya asked from the backseat. I looked at Luke expecting him to look at me but his eyes were trained on the road.

"The library" I replied with a blank expression and looked out the window.

15 minutes later Luke pulled up in front of their house as we all got out and walked to the front where Luke unlocked the front door.

Instantly the smell of spices enveloped us. And it smelled delicious.

Sam came running in, hugging Luke's legs.

Luke smiled at her and lifted her up, resting her comfortably on his hip.

"Lukey" Sam smiled widely at him speaking cheerfully.

Sam shifted her eyes to me and her eyes lit up. "Lana, are you staying for dinner?" She asked.

I wasn't even given the chance to answer before Luke jumped in. "No, I'm tutoring her and that's all" Luke replied blankly not even glancing at me.

Maya and I shot Luke a confused look but he ignored us and put down Sam before walking to the kitchen.

Sam followed him whining about why I can't come as Maya and I stood still.

"What happened between you two?" Maya asked with concern.

I dragged my eyes from where Luke was and looked at Maya. "I don't know" I said truthfully. I shook of the hurt I was feeling and walked into the kitchen.

I wasn't upset that I coudn't stay for dinner. Sure I would love to stay but I was more hurt about Luke. He was being so cold to me. His tone having an edge to it. And I have no clue as to what I've done wrong.

Sarah was stirring ingredients in a pot. Luke sat on a chair leaning on the island bench and Sam had dissapeared.

Sarah looked up to where Maya and I stood and she smiled. "I didn't know you were coming tonight, otherwise I would've made myself look more presentable. Are you staying for dinner?" She asked me.

I smiled and was about to answer but was interrupted again by Luke.

"Lana is not staying for dinner. I'm tutoring her and that's all" Luke spoke rather harshly. His tone suprising all of us.

He stood up from the stool and strolled to his room.

Sarah had stopped stirring and her eyes switched from Luke's retreating form to me questionably.

"Thanks for the offer but I've gotta head home after. Excuse me but I have to talk to Luke now" I gave Sarah a half smile before walking to Luke's room.

I shut the door behind me as I stood in Luke's room.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked angrily.

Luke was facing his computer and mid typing a sentence. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. The cold shoulder the entire day" I was pissed off for the fact that he acted like nothing happened.

"I did not" he objected whilst standing up as he stood a few feet away from me.

I scoffed. "Yes you did. What did I do wrong? Was it the kiss?" I asked.

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