Chapter 35 | Generations

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C H A P T E R  3 5
| G E N E R A T I O N S |

Mom instantly walked over to grandma and greeted her. Kissing her on both of her cheeks. "Mother"

Grandma Mia sent an approved look to mom's way. "That's the correct way to great someone"

Aunty Rachel didn't take the hint and and crashed into grandma with a hug. I snickered at grandma's reaction it was priceless. Mom sent me a glare as she thinks snickering is childish.  Well it kinda is. Grandma didn't hide the disgusted look from her face.

"Sorry" Rachel started not sounding the slightest bit sincere. "I prefer hugging"

Mom forcefully shoved me towards grandma and I couldn't help but stumble.  I bit my lip from yelling at mom.

I debated hugging her. The aftermath will be horrible but the moment will be worth it. Old me would've. Just to anger mom. But I remembered what mom held against me.

I faked a smile at grandma before kissing both of her cheeks.

Grandma seemed pleased as she walked past all of us giving Calvin a slight nod.

Calvin rolled his eyes at her being dramatic.

Mom looked at Rachel and raised a brow challenging her. "You really haven't learnt any manners, have you?"

Rachel didn't argue like I would've. Instead she gave the reaction mom didn't want and she smiled. "No, my mother hasn't been the best role model"

Mom glared rather disappointed with her reaction as she stormed off inside.

Rachel smirked and followed her wanting to annoy her even further. The perks of knowing mom for so long. You know exactly the right buttons to push.

Calvin and I just stared back at her. "I can see the resemblance of your mother in grandma" he started.

"I can't see it in your mother" I finished off.

"The questions is, did you inhabit it or not?" He asked smiling widely knowing I'd get annoyed.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Your just like your mother, annoying as hell"

"See!" He pointed at me rather proud at himself. "I see grandma"

I tried arguing but instead i just walked off.

Soon realising that I just followed my mother's footsteps.

Maybe I'm more like her than I imagined, this made me rather scared.


The constant clicking of a glass caught my attention and I was actaully grateful. We were all seated at one big dining table. All of my 30 relatives sitting around the table. All of my aunties have asked me the same question since they arrived. How's school? And how's your guy? I wanted to curse at mom for telling them. Although she would've only told one person it would've spread like wildfire. Yes, older people still do gossip.

Mom stood next to me as she waited for everyone to quieten down.

Everyone had soon quitened down and were all staring at mom.

"Thank you every one for coming to this event. It's an honor for us to hold this spectacular event every year and I hope to pass this down generations-"she paused looking at me as everyone looked at me. "Enjoy the rest of the evening" she finished sitting down as the chatter started again.

Heck no I ain't holding any of these at my future house. Too much effort. Sorry mom but your gonna have to have another child to pass it onto.

It had been a whole hour of fake smiling about people and talking lies. They asked how's school and I of course said it's great and I'm really excelling. Sort of is true. I'm excelling in my own way.

My mouth is tired of continuously smiling and my feet hurt from the standing before. All I want to do is curl up in bed and watch my favourite t.v series.

"Excuse me" I excuse myself politely as I walked off to the kitchen. I can't abandone the evening so I decide to to something helpful.

A servant was stacking dishes in the dishwasher so I ushered her away.

She realised who I was and smiled politely before helping with the food.

I grabbed a dish and started washing it. Showers are like thinking times. Whenever you shower you think.  It's inevitable and it's always the case. If something's bad on your mind it'll haunt you.

Washing dishes is like that for me. I think deeply.

A lot of the times I wash dishes it's my thoughts about mom. Not good ones.

Someone stopped next to me. "I hate these gatherings, they're horrible" Rachel stated fixing her heel with an agonizing look.

I laughed. "Well at least you can get away with not attending it. I'm destined for it for the rest of my life-" I started to mimic mom "- I hope to pass it onto generations"

She laughed as I ranted.  "She doesn't even ask me. Just simply hold a gathering for 30 people every year, oh and it has to be perfect because grandmother's coming"

She continued to laugh at me and I couldn't help but smile.

I missed both Rachel and Calvin. They live in a different country so I can't see them often.

Her laughter soon died down as silence filled the room. We were both thinking.  Blame the sink.  Or was it the dishes fault?

"How are you really?" She asked in a serious tone.

I scrubbed the dishes. "Honestly I'm fine"

She raised a brow at me waiting for me to explain.

I gave up and sighed. "I just want mom to back off"

"What has she done now?"

"I know she's only looking out for me. She said that if I don't change then I'm moving countries and going to a boarding school" I rambled on.

I don't even know why I'm defending her. I know she wants me to excel but you don't tell someone to change. It's who you are. It's like she wants a different child with a different personality.

Her tone held anger. "This is unbelievable. Your mom can't do this to you"

As much as I wanted mom to be told off for her actions there was no use.

I put a hand on her arm making her eyes meet mine. "The damage is already done. There's no use in making it worse"

She sighed. "Fine. But if she angers me in the slightest way possible I won't stop the words from coming out"

"Fine" I agreed.

We went back to washing and drying the dishes.

"So who's this cute guy your with?" She asked with a devilish smile.

I know this book is progressing slowly but I have something planned for later on so hang with me.

Updating soon.
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~ Ashley.

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