Chapter 40 | Calvin underpants

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C H A P T E R  4 0
| C A P T A I N  U N D E R P A N T S |

I slid into the booth next to Calvin.

I wanted to tell someone, anyone to be honest about Charlotte. But I knew Maya or Luke wouldn't understand, since they don't know her. On the other hand, Calvin's been there through everything. He knows every scheme she's done. He knows what she did.

"The bitch is back?" He asked getting straight to the point.

I laid my head on the cushion and shut my eyes, hoping the world will vanish. Along with Charlotte.

"Yup. She's staying"

I hated the truth. I wish what I just told was a lie, but it's not.

He snickered. "Thank God she's in your house. You have to now deal with her. Good luck"

I glared at him. "No, we have to deal with her. This isn't an every man for themself situation"

He put his hands up in surrender. "Fine. But you can't force me to come to your house"

The waitress came over. "What can I get you?"

I looked at the menu. "A few beers  please"

She was about to write it down before she looked up at me crazily.

This cafe doesn't sell beers.

Calvin interfered. "Sorry, you have to excuse my girlfriend. She's suffering from a massive hangover. Just some water thanks"

She nodded and walked away.

I gave him a pointed look. "Your girlfriend? And a hangover?"

He shrugged. "You look like your on a massive hangover and the girlfriend part, was just creative"

I faked a smile at him and scoffed. "Creative my ass"

The waiter placed water on the table and left.

"So what are you gonna do about Charlotte?" He asked.

I thought for a minute. "Nothing. Mom's persistent on her staying. And Charlotte's blackmailing me to do what she says otherwise she'll send me to boarding school" I explained.

He faked being surprise. "What? She would never"

I played along with him. "I know, who would've known"

"Definetly something she'd do"

"I agree"

"But are you actually gonna do what She says?" He asked.

"I'm gonna have to. The whole fact that she's blackmailing me and she has that whole arresting thing against me" I told him feeling helpless.

"What do you mean? Doesn't your mom already know?"

I shook my head. "No. She has no clue. And Charlotte can tell her at any moment" I buried my head in my hands.

"Then who paid for the charges?"

"Rachel. And she made me promise to not tell mom" I painfully spoke. This is such a mess.

"Oh. Shit that's messed up" he said bluntly.

"What if she says to not hang out with any human being at school?"

"Well I'll sit on the toilet at break and eat my lunch" I lied.

He laughed. "That's bullshit"

"I just feel defeated and so powerless. Like I can't even do anything. Just nod and agree" I honestly explained.

Suddenly Charlotte stood in front of our table. She smiled at us.

"Are my eyes playing up on me or is that Charlotte?" Calvin leaned to me and whispered.

She shifted her eyes to Calvin and hugged him immediately.

"Calvin underpants!!" She squeezed him tight. Calvin stiffened and didn't bother to hug her back. He scowled at the nickname.

As well as Charlotte sabotaging my life, she also enjoys annoying Calvin. Especially with his nickname underpants. We were little when it happened. Calvin and I were playing with our toys and Charlotte thought it would be funny to flick underpants at Calvin just to piss him off. It worked, landing right on his head. Charlotte didn't bother annoying me when we were younger although now she does. But she did annoy Calvin, regularly.

She sat down next to Calvin.

"How did you find us?" I asked rudely.

"Asked your mom"

"Lana could you grab me a drink" she stated rather than asked. I held my tongue, any sarcastic remark could set her off.

She gave me a look. The 'do it or I'll rat you out' look.

I made sure to give her a fake smile as I stood up. "Sure thing" my tone was bitter sweet.

Calvin gripped my arm. He gave me a pleading smile. "Why don't you stay?"

I glanced at Charlotte and she gazed at me. Like she was the queen.

"I'll be back" I ripped my arm away from Calvin and walked away from the booth. As soon as I was out of sight I checked my messages and tried buying time. I am not getting her a drink simply because she asked.

I sighed and walked back to the booth. Charlotte was talking to Calvin but Calvin ignored her, keeping his space from her.

I cleared my throat. "I have to leave, mom needs me" I smiled sadly.

"Oh what a shame" Charlotte faked sadness. "Bye bye"

"Lana" Calvin whisper-yelled as I walked off. He's so gonna kill me.

I walked out and stood next to the glass as I took out my phone. I stared through the glass where I saw Calvin and Charlotte. They couldn't see me.

I called Calvin. "Hello?" He asked not knowing it's me. Otherwise he'd be yelling at me.

"I know you hate me but listen up. I am your mom and getting you out of this situation" I explained although it didn't make any sense. I was hoping he'd be smart and understand.

He took a minute to think it through. "Hey mom"

"So I've had a horrible accident and I'm in the hospital"

He fake gasped. "Your in the hospital? I'll be right over" he stated.

I could faintly hear him in the background. "I have to go"

I hung up as Calvin appeared next to me as he took my arm and started running with me.

It'll be a minute until she walks out that door.

"You bitch you left me" he yelled at me.

"You started the whole every man for themself. Besides I just saved your ass"

We rounded a corner and before I could stop I ran straight into someone.

I rubbed my head. "I'm so sorry" I gritted my teeth from the pain.

I looked up to see it was Luke. What is he doing here?

"What are you running from?" Luke asked as he helped me up.

Calvin appeared next to me as he looked around.

"My cousin"

Luke frowned as he put his hand on my forehead. "You must've hit your head really hard. Your cousins right next to you"

I rolled my eyes. "Not that cousin"

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~ Ashley.

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