Chapter 19 | The test

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C H A P T E R  1 9
| T H E  T E S T |

The bell rang signalling last two periods. I shut my locker and carried my books to class with me.

I sat down next to Luke. He was going through his study notes. I stared at him. His green eyes shone with yellow specks in them, with thin black glasses covering them. My eyes trailed downwards to his high cheekbones and his sharp jawline, all the way to his dimples. How badly I wanted to touch his features. Just run my hand through his blonde hair.

He looked up at me and I immediately looked away. I could feel his buring gaze on me and I wanted to hide under his intense gaze. "Ready for the test?" The edge of his lips tilted upwards, like he knew I was going to do bad.

I scoffed. "I'm more than ready". This is the first test I've had since Luke started tutoring me. And this test means everything. It was the whole reason he tutored me last night. For 6 god damn hours straight. So I better do well on this test. If not I'm back to square one..

The good thing about this is that I actually feel prepared for this. Normally I would feel unprepared and would hope there would be multiple choice questions. Because then I knew there would be a 1 in 4 chance for each question, that I would get right. And that's definitely better than nothing. But back then I didn't care about my scores. Only now I have to.

The teacher walked in with the test papers. And that's when the nerves started to cave in. I knew this wasn't a big test or something that would take up a huge chunk of my cycle. If I fail this, it's another way of saying 'just booked your ticket to boarding school'. And I was not ready for that.

He waited for us to quieten down. The students voices turned into hushed tones before becoming silent.

"As you know this is to be done in test conditions. Do not talk. Do not get out of your seat unless it's on fire. And do not cheat" he paused on a figure at the back. I turned slightly to see he was staring at Riley.

Riley had an annoyed look on his face. "I only did it once" he muttered under his breath. His eyes scanned the room and stopped at me. I turned back around and slightly smiled.

The one time he did cheat, was when he looked at my work. Of course, I had no idea he did that. Until of course we were both called to the principal office. Shown our test answers that were exactly the same. And were all wrong might I add. Had to redo the test, with five teachers supervising the classroom. Literally.

My smile dissapeared at the thought of Riley. I'm not friends with him, I repeated in my head.

The teacher finished explaining the rules and he started putting the test on everyone's desk. He stopped at me. "Going to fail another one?"

I knew what he was doing. He was trying to get a reaction out of me. I could tell from the glimmer of amusement in his eyes. He's always hated me since day one. When I came in late to class, he gave me a detention slip immediately.

I smiled. "Sure am". Getting angry is the worst option. He gave me a sour look, as he didn't receive the expression he wanted.

I could see Luke shake his head in amusement from the corner of my eye.

"You may all turn over your test and start" the teacher said grumpily.

I flipped over the test eager to see the question. I was hoping by the end of the test, my confidence will still be there. I took a deep breath and scanned the paper.


I rubbed out a question and scribbled in a different answer as the bell rang. I smiled. The test went really well. No sarcasm there. I knew almost every question on the test. Luke saw my happy expression and rolled his eyes.

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