Chapter 46 | Made amends

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C H A P T E R  4 6
| M A D E  A M E N D S |

"So why did you break Luke's heart?" I asked.

She sighed looking down. "I just.. a guy had something on me. He told me to break up with him in front of everyone or he'd spread it"

"What did he have on you?" I continued.

Whatever it was it shouldn't have been that extreme. To the point where Luke started cutting himself.

"Old habits" she bluntly replied not looking at me.

I put the pieces together. "Drugs!?"

She shushed me looking around to see if we caught any attention.

"I thought you were over that" I stated looking down at her in disbelief.

She held the coffee cup in between her hands and stared down at her coffee. "I am now. I realised how bad it was and I stopped"

"Charlotte, this is serious. You didn't stop after what happened here so how do I know your not lying?" I asked her.

"I'm not I swear, I'm done with it" she argued giving me an honest look.

"Do you even know what you did to Luke?" I asked giving her a questionable look.

She seemed unaware. "Yeah, he moved schools"

"No. He did suicidal things, he changed his name, he moved halfway across the world because of you" I explained. She's lived through the last few years without the pressure of Luke's experiences. She should've felt guilty.

Her eyes widened in shock. "Oh gosh, are you serious?"

I nodded slowly.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to go that far" she explained herself looking guilty.

"It's not me you have apologise to"

She stayed silent. "He's never going to talk to me, especially after what I did"

I pondered on, wondering if I could help at all.

"Maybe I can help" I voiced my thoughts.


Luke kissed me before pulling away.

He looked to my side and realised who it was. "What is she doing here?" He asked in a hatred tone.

I moved my head to the side so he was looking at me. "It's fine. She's with me"

He shifted his eyes to look at me. "Lana, whatever's going on-" he started.

"Nothings wrong. I don't expect you to forgive her or ever talk to her again, but she's my cousin. And I feel like she deserves another chance" I assured him.

He didn't look convinced. He looked at me for a minute longer as he tried reading me. "Something's not right Lana-"

Charlotte stepped in giving him a guilty look. "Luke I'm so sorry. I don't want your forgiveness I just need to tell you how sorry I am. I didn't mean for it to go that far"

He looked at her with a blank expression. It was so hard to tell what he was thinking. "Lana may forgive you but I don't. I know you and you haven't changed a single bit" he replied back coldly catching him off guard.

He then looked at me. "Be careful" before turning around and walking with Maya. She gave me a frown, giving me a disapproving look.

I immediately looked away. I knew that Maya and Luke hated her but I'm willing to give her a chance. Even if it meant betraying Luke and Maya. Besides I'm not betraying them. Charlotte's family, I sort of have to.

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