Chapter 36 | Like nothing happened

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C H A P T E R  3 6
|L I K E  N O T H I N G  H A P P E N E D|

My stomach ached from laughing as i tried to regain my breath. Calvin was having more trouble than me as he breathed rather loudly.

We lay next to each other on the ground in the living room both facing the ceiling. Whenever I'm around Calvin I always end up in weird scenarios.

It started off by watching tv. Calvin then attempted to annoy me and he did a great job at that. I threw a pillow at him, hitting him square in the face. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at his reaction and it ended with tickle wars.

And let me tell you, I hate being ticklish.

The guests had left an hour ago and now there's just Calvin and Rachel left.

We lay in silence as both our breathing steadied.

There was arguing in the kitchen that caught my attention.

"What do you think they're arguing about?" He asked as we both tried listening in.

I heard my name being used a few times so I got up knowing the topic.

"I think I know. C'mon" I held out my hand as he grabbed it.

I walked to the kitchen as Calvin followed.

I decided to not go in as they'd immediately leave so I stood against the opposite wall of the kitchen and eavesdropped.

"You can't tell your god damn child to change" Rachel accused mom.

"She wasn't meeting the standard's she's meant to reach" mom said calmly but her tone held power. So much authority, like she's the queen giving orders.

"What standards? You want her to be like you? Sure there's the positives: good job, a husband and enough money. But what about the negatives? The poor child who doesn't get any respect or isn't cared for by her own mother!" Rachel spoke back furiously.

Definetly the wrong thing to say. Even I wouldn't go that far.

By now I could imagine her jaw clenched and her eyes blazing with fire.

"More than what you've ever had!" She replied back venomously.

There was silence.

Calvin gasped. I can't believe mom would say that.

Rachel's been through so much, and Calvin's been there too. Rachel's gone through a divorce with an abusive husband. To heaps of financial problems.

One time Calvin called me saying he's dropping out of school because it's too much pressure for Rachel. I instantly said no and found a way for mom to pay for his school.

Of course this was before and they're no longer in any financial trouble but they've been though heaps.

"Open your eyes and look at what you've become before you ruin your child's life" her voice was steady and calm.

She walked out of the kitchen as she stopped when she saw us. Her eyes were slightly tearing up so she sniffed and tried to cover it up.

"We're leaving" Rachel told Calvin as she walked out.

Calvin gave me a small reassuring smile before leaving.

I felt sorry for Rachel. After all she's just trying to defend me. And she ended up getting hurt.

Anger consumed me. I was pissed at mom for taking it too far. If she's to get angry at someone it's me.

I stormed into the kitchen as mother stood there reading a book. As if nothing had happened.

"How dare you say something like that to Rachel" I accused her.

She had a look of shame before covering it up with anger. "It wouldn't of happened if you didn't tell her"

I shook my head in disbelief. "So your gonna blame me now. When it's your fault your just gonna pass it on and act all innocent?"

She remained silent as she held no emotion. The fact that she said that to her own sister, showing no remorse.

"You better fix this and apologise because you'll be losing more than a sister" I stated my eyes blazing with fury.

Normally I wouldn't dare talk back to her. But she crossed a line and I can't ignore that.

"How dare you threaten me!" Her voice held such power.

I stopped in my tracks and swiftly turned around. "You threaten me everyday of my life. You do much worse than what I just did. You decide to ship your daughter off because she's not good enough. Tell me I'm threatening you again, I dare you" I raised a brow challenging her. She didn't say a word, just glared me down. I didn't once lose eye contact.

I knew she wasn't gonna give up anytime soon so I turned around and walked out of the house my phone in my pocket.

It just happened to be pooring down with rain. I really didn't think this through. But I didn't want to be anywhere near mom at this moment.

I felt the rain drench me as I tried finding shelter. I found a tree and stood under it.

I glanced at the door of my house and it still laid shut. She knew it was pooring and that I walked out but she didnt care. She's probably reading and acting like nothing happened.

I flicked through my contacts and called Maya but she didnt pick up. I debated calling Stacey or Riley but they're probably busy. Riley with Maya. And Stacey with her daily fling.

I scrolled down to Luke and called him.

He answered. "Hello?"

I let out a relieved sigh. "Luke it's me" I fought over the pouring rain.

He sounded surprised and amused. "I was with you about three hours ago and you needed to hear my voice again?" I could hear him smirk.

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness.

"Why is it so loud? Are you standing outside?" He asked.

"Yeah" I simply responded kicking a rock to let out my anger. You know when you just need a ranting session? And it can only happen with a girl. Because guys try and find our faults and give us resolutions whilst girls listen and agree.

"I knew you were crazy but this is a whole new level"

"I'm freezing to death out here" I pointed out.

"Where are you?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned.

You gotta love having someone that cares for you.

"Doesn't matter are you home?" I asked.

He replied back unsurely. "Yeah" but he quickly replied back "but your not walking here, it's probably too long. I'll pick you up"

"I'm walking" I stated before hanging up.

I started my walk towards his house not caring that I was drenched. And the clouds aren't intent on holding back. 30 minutes in the rain pondering. Let's just pray the clouds stop for a break.

At least I won't be needing to shower tonight.

Thoughts on the chapter? A little but of drama there am I right?
Anyway, please comment if you think I should change the cover. I'm kinda sick of this one and I don't know if it's only me feeling it.
Updating soon.
Remember to comment and vote.
~ Ashley.

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