Chapter 47 | Disaster waiting to happen

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C H A P T E R  4 7
| D I S A S T E R  W A I T I N G  T O  H A P P E N |

I heard the door click shut and I immediately ran to my room. On the way I knocked on Charlotte's door. "She's gone" I managed to yell out as I rushed to my room.

I picked up the outfit on my bed and quickly changed. I wore black jeans and a mocha off the shoulder top. Since it's a cold night I slipped on a leather jacket and paired it with black boots.

I felt excited. It's been ages since I've gone partying and I'm kinda nervous.

I applied my make up, putting on the usual and finishing with my signature red lipstick.

I took out my hairtie and ran my hand through my hair untangling the mess. I would've normally straightened it but I was on a tight schedule, the party had started an hour ago.

I heard a beep outside of the window. Stacey had volunteered to pick us up. The party wasn't far from my house but Stacey had already decided.

I got into the seat next to Stacey as Charlotte hopped in the back.

"Thanks for doing this" I thanked her giving her a thankful look.

She slid her sunglasses on. The sun shining right on us. The sun might be shining, but it doesn't mean it's warm.

"It's fine, I'm happy your coming out again, it's good to live a little" she shrugged before turning to Charlotte.

"Sorry about acting like a total bitch before, I'm Stacey"  she introduced herself holding out her arm.

Charlotte gratefully shook her hand. "Don't worry about it, it was just karma fulfilling her job"

Stacey started driving to the party.

You could hear the party in full swing from outside. This place is where most parties are held and no one filed a noise complaint so they continued to party her. Probably a bad idea but anyway.

A bunch of people stood outside, one of them vomiting and another one talking to a tree. Well at least they're having the times of their life's.

I saw Charlotte shiver from the corner of my eyes.

"You cold?" I asked.

She immediately shook her head, biting her lip to stop herself from shivering. "No I'm fine" she tried keeping an even tone.

I shook my head smiling at her before slipping off my jacket and handing it to her. "Take it, I'm too hot"

She gratefully took it and put it on. "Thanks" she nodded in appreciation.

We walked through the open door to be met with a crowded room.

The music became much louder if that was even possible and everyone around me was dancing together, thrusting their hips at one another.

"I'm gonna go get drinks" Charlotte yelled over the loud music.

I nodded as she dissapeared through the crowd.

"Did you miss this?" Stacey asked.

I looked around, smiling from the sight. "Yeah I really did"

Stacey grabbed my arm as a song she loved came on. We wiggled our way through the crowd as we found our spots.

We both stayed to the music as I let loose, my body taking control.

And I was having heaps of fun, something I missed.


The song had finished. I was slightly tired from all the dancing. That one song had turned into many songs as the time flew by. I excused myself from Stacey as she nodded whilst a guy behind her gripped her waist and danced in rhythm with her.

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