Chapter 30 | Loverboy

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C H A P T E R  3 0
| L O V E R B O Y |

The holidays was definitely something to look forward to. Mainly because it means no school. And that is definitely something to look forward to. And those days were you don't have to wake up early. Instead, it's pyjama day everyday and binge watching.

"What's your plan for the holidays?" Maya asked.

"Sleeping, eating and tv series"

She grinned. "Perfect"

I raised a brow. "Its perfect that I'm gonna be getting ridiculously fat on the holidays?"

She ignored my comment. "My family owns this place two hours away from here. And we get it to ourselves for the first week of the holidays, you in?"

"Depends. Who's coming?" I asked grabbing my books and shutting my locker.

Maya smiled. "Don't worry, loverboy is going. Plus Riley and I"

I scowled at the nickname. Since Luke and I have become a thing, Maya has been refering to Luke as loverboy. And it's getting annoying.

We sat down at the front as we discussed our plans. "Stop with the stupid nicknames. And I can't, I'm starting my part time job on the holidays"

She nodded understandingly. "Oh yeah, where are you working?"

"At Woolworths" I smiled proudly.

She laughed amused. "As if your mother let you work at woolworths"

I shrugged. "She asked me to get a job and I did so she has no right to complain"

She pouted. "So it's just gonna be me and two other guys"

I rolled my eyes. "Are you seriously complaining that you get to spend a week at your family vacation place whilst I have to work?" I asked.

"Yeah your right" she agreed with a sad smile. "What are you doing on Easter?" She asked.

Easter was definitely a holiday I didn't celebrate. Whilst it was an exciting day for kids. The morning where they wake up early quite eagerly to wake their parents. Find the trail of Easter eggs and eat them all for breakfast. I never got that. Of course I can just go to the shops and buy Easter eggs. But that is different.

My normal Easter is basically my normal routine. Just waking up, eating breakfast and doing normal things.

"Nothing" I said casually.

She sat up astonished. "Your doing nothing on Easter?!"

I laughed dryly. "Maya we're not little kids"

She rolled her eye at my lame excuse.

"And it's not like I ever did anything" I mumbled under my breath.

She turned her head to me instantly. "You've never celebrated easter?" She asked shocked.

"Maya, some celebrate easter and others don't, it's a religion" I stated.

"Your parents didn't do anything didn't they?" She asked ignoring my last comment.

I sat there looking blankly at her. But for some reason, she saw beyond my expression.

"Tell me, have your parents ever said happy Easter to you?" She asked.

Once again I didn't answer. So she went on. And now I have learned to always answer her, because she'll eventually come to her own conclusion.

"They haven't. So you've wanted to celebrate Easter but your parents didn't" she said mainly to herself.

The bell rang as the teacher started writing on the board.

She gave me a reassuring smile. "And that's about to change" she said as the teacher started talking.

She opened her notebook and began writing something down.

"What Maya?" I whispered to her urgently.

She wouldn't look at me. "Maya" I whispered again.

The teacher stopped and glared at me. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

I turned towards the front and put on a fake smile. "Nothing's wrong"

"Then stop interrupting my class or get out" he warned me.

The teacher turned away as I rolled my eyes at him. I normally would've snapped back with a snarky remark but I realised I cant. Even though its the last few days of the term it still counts.

Maya finally turned to me and smiled at me whilst laughing. I glared at her and opened my book. Two more days. Just two more days of this hell hole and I'm done. Two more.


"A little birdy told me you've never celebrated easter before" Luke told me as he sat down beside me and looped an arm around me.

I instantly looked in front of me at Maya who sat innocently eating her mac and cheese. "That little birdy doesn't know when to shut her trap" 

"Hey! I'm just helping" she said in between mouthfuls of food.

"Really? Because from my point of view it's not really helping" I gave Maya a look.

"You wanted that childhood easter so we're gonna give it to you" Luke interjected.

I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He simply smiled at me with no expression. "You'll see"

I stared at him a moment longer trying to read his expression. But it was still the same blank look.

I huffed in defeat and crossed my arms over my chest. "It's scary how alike you and your sister are"

Maya mirrored Luke's expression, smiling blankly.

Sorry I seem to be rushing these chapters to get them out on time for you guys. Anyhow what's your thoughts on the book so far?

Any suggestions on what you would like to see? I'm always open for suggestions.

Updating soon.
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~ Ashley.

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